The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024


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The thank you on large posters has become a thing round Limerick. I saw a number of them while doing a lot of driving yesterday.

Some were in the form of stickers while the most eye-catching appeared to have been daubed on with a paint brush by a drunkard.

I was down around west cork a few weeks ago and somebody had stuck Googly-Eyes on a lot of the posters. Was pretty funny. Here’s a poor quality image:


That’s class.

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I was driving through Clontarf yesterday (I stopped in Nolan’s to get some esoteric ingredients for a recipe) and I noticed a large number of O Muirí posters still up. I thought that’s odd, forumite @Bandage said he was taking them down the other day but that clears it up.

Ah here, is that Mick Wallace clown going to get back in?

Pascal Sheehy having serious bantz here on the 1 o clock news

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He’s dying for a hang sandwich.

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Proud as punch at the end there with it

Wallace won’t get in.

I think he will. I reckon he’ll do relatively well from Grace O’Sullivan’s transfers & will stay ahead of Ni Mhurcu before she’s eliminated. I don’t think she’ll pick up enough from John Mullins before that to get ahead of him. Think the top five now will be elected.

If kelleher crosses the quota might he have much of a surplus, might favour CYM.

Mick looks likely but it’s hard to know where Grace O’Sullivan’s votes will go.
Five seats…

McNamara being gone out of the dail will be a loss. He’s a genuinely independent voice of opposition and he seems to do it without resorting to excessive banging of his head or hamming up the roaster schtick

Wallace still ahead of Ni Mhurchu after Mullins votes distributed but Kelleher’s circa 6k surplus should help Ni Mhurchu.

Then it’s all on O’Sullivan’s transfers.

Gildernew has gone 1700 odd ahead of Mullooly in Midlands North West after the transfers of McManus SF were distributed.

Toibin eliminated.

I would still fancy Mullolly to take this seat.

No way Wallace finishes ahead of two women.

I’d say he’s never finished after one either

Happy My Heart GIF by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs

Regina strikes again.

I’d say Wallace will be squeezed out on the last count. Kelleher a surplus likely to lift Cynthia past him and I’d say O’Sullivans votes will go more to Cynthia than Wallace