The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

5.4% and 3.5%. Paltry enough numbers in the scheme of things, thankfully, but you never know what a GE vote would get.

Johnny Mythen in Wexford got 818 votes in the LEA in Enniscorthy in 2019, 3.7% and didnt get a council seat when there was 6 available. 8 months later he went for the GE in Wexford, polled 18,717 votes, romped home in first with 17% of available votes. And he pure useless. A traffic cone would be more effective.


Important comma placement there.


Same happened here local SF councillor bombed in the locals and topped the poll 8 months later, a ghost would have more presence than she does.

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The Sinn Fein bounce, Violet Anne Wynne in Clare the most obvious example, a genuine mentaller

That won’t happen for Blighe

It’s tight. Could be a recount…

They haven’t gone away

I’d be shocked if Grace O Sullivans vote left it tight for the last seat that would call for a recount.

I know the greens are in government with FF & there’s the women supporting women angle but my reasoning was O’Sullivan & Wallace might command support from similar circles. A kinda anarchist, anti-establishment thing, albeit that would be misguided. It’ll be interesting to see how it falls. I will admit I’d neglected to factor in Kelleher’s surplus in my thinking.

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Ní Mhurchú nearly 2k clear of Wallace after Kelleher’s transfers.

You’d nearly call it at this stage, he’s not getting more transfers out of OSullivan than NiMhurcu

I’d say the staff working the count would riot

Dont agree, I think he ll get way more than Cyntia, enough to get elected

Another good one gone,

And my vote pissed away, it was Grace number 1 and nothing else, the worst ballot sheet I’ve ever seen

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When push comes to shove, you’ll all turn to FG.

The Green agenda has been rejected by the electorate. Both MEP’s shown the door by the voters.

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Great to see. The wokies have picked up a couple of surprises but all n all, the people of Ireland have told em to fuck off


Moscow Mick looks a goner.


I suspect you’re correct on this and that Wallace would be a more likely beneficiary of O’Sullivan’s transfers than Ní Mhurchu. O’Sullivan comes from the anti-war left of the Green Party.

Wallace could have a problem in that a lot of O’Sullivan’s transfers will surely go to Funchion. But there are big numbers in play here and you don’t need that much of an advantage over your direct rival to overtake them.

I get Pee Flynn vibes off Cynthia


21k of O Sullivans tally to be distributed are transfers, so looking at those who have been eliminated and what could be transfered might give Wallace a chance for the anti establishment vote.