The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Not one supportive message to Mullooly.

McNamara was a Covid crank who opposed restrictions for no other reason than he was targetting the headbanger market like a classic con artist. He knew exactly what he was doing. He’s a fraudster who was too cowardly to follow his fraud through to the end.

This guy used to be in the Labour party FFS sake and then runs off targetting Trump lovers. What sort of person does that?

You’re supporting a convicted multiple child murderer in another thread.

I agreed with most things I heard him say on covid as did most people in the end. The restrictions were well meaning but went too far. We’re obviously not going to get into that again though. :smile:
Give me a few things in particular that he’s said that you strongly disagree with outside of covid.


Don’t get into it. It’s really not worth with.
Anyone who doesn’t agree with his very narrow view of the world is a nazi. He doesn’t do nuance.


So according to you, no well founded concerns about possible wrongful convictions should ever be aired.

You’d have been one of the people who vilified Gareth Pierce and Chris Mullin, who campaigned for the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four cases to be reviewed, as supporters of terrorism.

And according to your logic, something like the Innocence Project is nothing more than support for murderers.

Are you arguing that McNamara didn’t benefit from being viewed as a maverick that would appeal to the right or that he will have picked up many far right votes and transfers?

That was the narrative 100% and he’s pissed them off

Mate you don’t know the meaning of the word nuance.

It’s why you post messages like this which bulldoze any semblance of nuance in favour of “gotcha” crude reductionism, which Nazis love.

Which were?

Oh he absolutely did benefit from it.
He’s well spoken, strong social media game, but in the rush to label anyone who “asks questions” as far right or a headbanger, he probably lost and gained a lot of supporters. I’ve no idea what the feeling on ground is for him in Clare, but he was elected as an independent before covid so obviously built up some support base prior to that.

Is he the first ex-Labour far right headbanger?

He targetted headbangers by expressing sentiments which headbangers the world over were expressing. Quelle surprise, they were utterly wrong.

McNamara went for the Ewan MacKenna narrative that Covid restrictions had caused a massive spike in suicide rates despite the facts saying otherwise.

Glenna Lynch ex-Soc Dems who only gained any public platform from being a “concerned member of the public” who Vincent Browne invited on his programme in 2011 has now turned right wing headbanger.

McNamara is a shameless liar.


That’s some good poitickin there from Mc

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gript on X: “JOHN MCGUIRK: Independent Ireland has aligned with an EU group that wants “transgender & transnational diversity” in Europe, wants to grant the EU emergency powers, and seeks to abolish Ireland’s veto entirely. It is a calamitous betrayal of trust:” / X

Johnny Arse is seething :grinning:

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You’re a great lad/ladette to ask me to respond in the public transport thread knowing full well you’ve gotten me blocked on it.

