The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

The headbangers are seething over this. McNamara seems like one of the good guys to me

Murphy and Shortall bailing out.

McNamara & Mullooly both join the FF group in the EU

looks like @MountLeinster @Massive_Attack & @Massey have been sold a pup

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Common sense candidates sitting with the centrists. Lads on here were saying they were Nazis :man_shrugging:

McNamara has pulled the rug from under his supporters anyway, don’t know about Mullooly

Are these not just loose groupings? Or would they have been expected by some supporters to align with more headbanger type groups?

I’d say it’s more of the suck in to the people arguing against them, calling them far right etc because they expressed concerns about immigration.


the far right feel betrayed by him

So you’re saying they’ve managed to mug off both the far left and far right. The big thickos from the country have done it again. Huzzah.


Far rightly so

McNamara owes his seat to the headbangers whether he likes it or not, apparently he wowed them because of some Covid pronouncements,
So they’ll be very put out by this, wait and see


I think you’re overthinking it

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@backinatracksuit is spot on.

nope, i think they mugged off their voters who thought they would apply “common sense” to issues such as climate change e.g. he opposed the nature restoration law, renew europe were in favour

I’m giving it very little thought really,
That was the narrative at election time, the true headbangers had no hope so McNamara was the smart choice,
And I think they’ll feel let down,

There was a tweet up that Mullolly supporters were very friendly with all the Irish National Freedom Power Rangers Headbangers Fighter Party folks at the count.

Of course they were, Mullooly ran for a party founded by a man who supported a convicted child sex abuser. Nazis see that and automatically think “one of our own”.

I agree with this. Literally any questioning of the accepted narrative around covid, immigration etc has you lumped in with the headbangers.

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McNamara and Mullooly openly targeted the headbangers with bullshit messages they knew would sell with them.

You’re demanding an entirely undeserved political correctness and deference towards them in order to undeservedly to absolve them of political fraud.

Neither man is an idiot. Both knew exactly what they were doing and did it for entirely cynical reasons, caring only about themselves rather than the good of the country. They are the exact type of person who should not be in politics.

That’s what got him elected though, surely you see that if you are in this constituency,
It was the belief that would stick to his ‘principles’ and fight the anti mainstream media bias,
Whether he wants them or not is irrelevant to my point because that’s where he positioned himself

Give me a few things either man said, McNamara especially as Mullooly seems like a cunt, that you object to. I asked before but nobody provided any