The Official TFK Man City* šŸ Supporter Thread (Nobody Gives A Flying Fuck About Them)

A flat track bully

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Duncan hates Pep.

What about that Aguero in the big games in the Champions League @anon78624367 ?

He scored mate

He did, one across the two legs and missed a penalty. I donā€™t mind you anymore so Iā€™ll leave you alone

Flat track bully David Silva found wanting again

Not in the top 100 players in Premier League history


A fraud.

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Samson in reverse, became shit when he got hair.

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Iā€™m sure the bet was that he had to play a minimum of a number of games. If not Iā€™ll go, gladly. I wouldnā€™t renege on a bet

No, I checked. It was four games, I was going to have a victory lap to myself but I never intended for you to actually go

The goal aside I thought he looked bollixed tonight.

Splendid cordial scenes here between @the_man_himself and @anon78624367. Something I tried to encourage elsewhere on TFK earlier, but was met with hostility.

Aguero. He set up Silvaā€™s goal. And scored with his only decent chance. lovely little ball in for Sterling for the disallowed goal. Do think heā€™s losing pace though.

He isnā€™t. Heā€™s lightning still with his power. Heā€™s just bollixed. It takes him an age to come back right from an injury.

He fucks off to New York ateing all round him and riding away mad

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Youā€™ve to know when to hold them and when to fold them.

Duncan spent too much time defending Mourinho when he should have stuck to criticising Pep

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Might be just the Steve Morrow double yet. Be careful with the celebrating.

This must be a very hard time for Manchester City as a club and for their few supporters

Theyā€™ve lost again in Europe to a club with a superior history and pedigree

For many years Manchester City supporters looked upon Liverpool almost as an ally because they shared a common enemy

They sold their soul as a club

When they finally bought the title with oil money they had to borrow a song from Liverpoolā€™s finest to celebrate

They wanted so desperately to be liked by Liverpool supporters

They thought that Liverpool supporters would like them but now they find out thatā€™s not the case and Liverpool supporters look down their noses at them, donā€™t respect them and ridicule and actively despise them as a club

They must feel so rejected and hurt right now

Messi managed him

Did that bet come in for you?