The Official TFK Man City* 🐐 Supporter Thread (Nobody Gives A Flying Fuck About Them)

hard to know. Chelsea are at the same craic for years, and even worse lately, but fuck all happens them. For all of Utds horrific spending, they seem to have operated within their means. I’d imagine people would have whinged more had they won leagues, but the money spent there seems drastically different than how City have spent it.

Nothing to see here. A fine and we move on

Even if that is the outcome it will surely affect how they and everyone else operates in the future. Pyjama sales will become the key metric

Man U have spent well over a billion in the transfer market in the decade since Sir Alex departed. They’ve also currently got the largest wage bill in the EPL. The financial largesse at Old Trafford has been eye watering.

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Don’t forget he was a drug cheat as a player too, given a ban for a failed drugs test.

He only manages clubs with a huge financial advantage over nearly everyone else in their domestic league. All while playing some of the most mind numbingly boring football ever - pass, pass, pass, pass and pass some more.

Everything he ‘won’ at city is tainted forever more.


Yes but Utd have a clear commercial revenue system that allows that. Man City make up fake betting companies and wash money through to fudge their income so that they spend it on players. As well as paying managers under the table to hide their true expenditure

Great to see Ole and BRod win retrospective titles. They are well deserved.

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Your formula for honest financial largesse in the billions:

Asian pyjama sales > owners investment money

It’s all the same dirty playpit in the super franchises. No one’s clean. The best metric is a clubs fans not murdering other fans,there’s one main perpetrator there.

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Two actually - Manchester United and Manchester City fans murdered Arsenal supporters after both the recent Arsenal-Manchester United Premier League clash and the Manchester City-Arsenal FA Cup meeting.

The spreadsheet will have to be updated but i doubt it puts a material dent in the numbers

Two more for your spreadsheet.

Industrial cheating isn’t cool but it’s difficult to condemn anything that prevented Murderpool accumulating more trophies. A stern warning seems punishment enough here, even better if the Sheikh provides a written undertaking to abide by the rules from now on.


This needs more than a stern warning. The authorities in England should be looking over Hadrians Wall here for their lead. Relegation to the 4th tier of English soccer would seem like an appropriate sanction.

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Oh to soar to the skies for just a time. To Dream the dream of you and mine.

It was won in Fergie time.

Seems there has been financial jiggery pokery at pretty much all of the Blues Brothers Alliance clubs. Chelsea, Rangers, Everton and Manchester City all implicated. Looks like only Linfield remain with clean hands, apart from the Fenian blood on them.

“Title winning manager Brendan Rodger’s” has an outstanding ring to it

Systemic fraud. I’d expect this is the end of City. If tax authorities get involved you’d expect hefty prison sentences.

Is this not the type of stuff you’re supposed to get executed for in Abu Dhabi?

Theoretically, at least.

The augerooooooooo moment will now be remembered for cheating.