The Official TFK Table Quiz Thread

For fuck sake. Who made up this quiz?

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It’s not an exact homophone, unless you’re a bit of an ignorant roaster in your pronunciation of three.

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This was the last round of 25 and is essentially there to get a winner - lots of the earlier rounds were more achievable. Seeing as you have about 5 days and full use of google etc they need to have a couple of fairly abstract questions. Winning score was 89 out of 100

You’re a homophone.

On the winning team in the annual table quiz in the yacht club tonight.

YNWA is a song from which musical.
Who has more senior men’s All Irelands, Kerry or KK
Who are the three Irish men on the cover of Sgt Pepper
Who became world heavyweight boxing champion in 1973 and again 21 years later.
Which England Manager started his managerial career at Limerick.
What position exists at Rugby Union that doesn’t exist in Rugby League.
What is the only mammal that can fly
How many counties does the Shannon pass through or touch
How many US states have an Ocean shoreline.
Jim Morrison Jimi Hendrix Amy Whitehouse and Kurt Cobain all died at what age.

George Foreman
I would guess 11

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Good answers.

Harrison, lennon & McCartney?

Oscar Wilde is one

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Bram Stoker?

James Joyce and George Bernard Shaw



Who are the 4 living ex taoisigh


What does the middle letter stand for.

Hillary R Clinton
Charles J Haughey
Samuel L Jackson
Lyndon B Johnson
John W Lennon

In April last year Enda Kenny passed out the previous longest serving FG TD - who was that.

I’ll guess 21 for this.

Shannon one is a potential row starter, I’d avoid asking it at a quiz. I think the answer they are looking for would be 11, but if you take recent suggestions that Fermanagh is the source the new answer would be 12, also an argument about where the river ends so Kerry could be included/excluded depending on how you look at it.

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Baines Johnson
Leroy Jackson
Winston Lennon

Any sign of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy down the yacht club?

What was the winning score at this quiz @Fagan_ODowd

He is more of a Marina man