The Official TFK Table Quiz Thread


If you scored a snowman in golf how many shots would you have hit at that hole.


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Which number was the last Pope Pius.

Which airline had a catastrophic systems failure in 2017

Charles James Haughey.

British Airways

Pius XII

Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli.

Check out the Wikipedia king!

I used to be deadly at quizzes. I was on Cross Country Quiz once you know.

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I never knew that.

Which word scores highest in scrabble, seven eight or nine.

At a guess, seven as it has a V and an S

S is one point mate.

Eight is the answer I think with 9. Seven is 8, nine is 4


[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:596, topic:14311, full:true”]In April last year Enda Kenny passed out the previous longest serving FG TD - who was that.

Oliver J?

I’ll see your cross country quiz and raise you blackboard jungle and challenging times.

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Oliver J?

I made a bollix of that sorry. It should have been Taoiseach.

I don’t like to boast but I was captain of the Mount Sion school quiz team. I once scored all of our points in a city league final.


Taoiseach is Costello?

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Did you ever win a county scor title?