The Olympics

How would you keep your core body temperature down in these conditions?

I’d walk slowly off the course

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Fionnuala PB 2:26.

2:30 pace.


Why is this being ran in Sapporo and not Tokyo?


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27 degrees at 7 in the morning

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Currently 28 in Tokyo but humidity higher there which is a bigger issue

I’ve done a few marathons in 30 plus degrees, and I’m a full roaster who hates the heat. I always wear/wore a white nylon cap (a freebie from the first of them) and at every water station put a fresh wet sponge under it.
Worked pretty well.


Sinead Diver only took up running at 33.
That’s great motivation for lads in the lockdown running thread.


I ran Boston marathon 4 or 5 years ago and it was 25 degrees. Was walking at 14 miles. Going straight on the beer after getting off the flight 2 days before wasn’t the best idea I ever had.


I recently detailed how I left a trail of puke from Kilfinane to Dundalk a few weeks ago due to running in the heat. Watching these wans gliding around in this humidity is making me feel a little sick again


This ain’t the parish sports

What else is on tonight lads? I’ve been in bed before 12 every night the last two weeks, but I’ve a few beers here in front of me and I might stretch into the 1am territory

Naked Attraction starting soon on E4


At 25k Diver is 22nd, 0:42 behind.

McCormack is 50 seconds down in 26th.

Greg and David are a nice combination


You’ll win no gold with a weird cock

Basketball final is on at 3:30 am tonight.

Two athletics fans shooting the shit. It’s great stuff.

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The ladies golfers are teeing off shortly too I think. Should know within an hour if Meadowes is likely to challenge for a medal