The Olympics

And also for Dani Alves to pad the medal collection

One of the great Olympic moments there in the Karate as a Saudi knocks out an Iranian with a kick to the face to win the gold medal, but then the kick is ruled out for being too hard and the Saudi is disqualified, handing the gold medal to the unconscious Iranian, who was placed horizontally on the podium as a makeshift stretcher. He had his gold medal placed around him while simultaneously receiving urgent medical attention. There could be war over that decision yet.

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And they’re off in the marathon

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Kipchoge looks about 55

serious pace

Who knew you could get disqualified in karate for kicking too hard?

15:19 for first 5km and 30:53 for 10km.

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They’re dropping like flies here, only 10km in

Serious athletes dropping like flies here. 2020 London Marathon winner Shura Kitata of Ethiopia, Steven Kiprotich the 2012 Olympic champion and Alemu Bekele of Bahrain among them.

RTE lads think Hawkins is struggling. I think he’s comfortable enough and is where he wants to be.

Tokyo 1964 was held in October, indeed a lot of Olympic Games up to Sydney 2000 were timed in the year so they would avoid extremely hot and humid conditions, depending on the venue. It’s a practice that should be reinstated. The practice now seems to be that the Olympics occupy a defined time frame of late July/early August, regardless of venue, presumably to satisfy US television and its obsession with American football. These Games should have been pushed back into late September at least.


Brazilian at the front of the field. I wonder is Fr Neil Horan ready to pounce


“Early doors” - A lovely tribute to Ron Atkinson

Fr Neil Horan has struck

The Brazilian is going to kill himself like Tommy Simpson.

It’s surely only a matter of how much Kipchoge wins this by.

As sure as night follows day, a couple of idiots there in the crowd running alongside the leaders

Stick a fork in this

Jesus this is some hammering

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