The Olympics

Just a friendly mail Puke. Kept it away from youtube in the hope of avoiding the censors but glad I did now or the latest youtube account would be deleted.

The IOC are obviously avid readers of

Argies have just torn Brazil apart there. Fucking glad City didnt get Ronny.

The referee lost the plot with the two sendings off IMHO.

cynical enough but they were soft as well…

Soft, didnt need reds, but they were both stupid cynical tackles which could have injured.

Ah the good days just keep rollin on… My liver is barely functioning.
Super scenes in Beijing last night as the boxers managed to secure at least the two medals. A 20m tricolour danced on Dongzhimenwai last night as the entire Irish contingent poured out onto the street to wave it. Chinese watched agape, this being a country where unorganised public displays are not smiled upon. The scrum for tickets is starting to get interesting, monday night being a case in point. Paddy’s is jammers every night and has become the place to look for tickets. There’s one or two touts who turn up every night with tickets for the next day. But the no’s are going down…Over 22 laowais(foreigners) have been arrested for touting so far and while there ended up being tickets available for last night outside, the pinch will surely come. Thanks be to jaysus the Chinese aren’t mad for their boxing. Although that could soon change. They’re mad for medals and with a few chinese through to the semis they’ll begin to hoover up any spares.
As for the action… fookin superb. The boxing stadium only comes alive for two nations China and Ireland. Mongolia and Kazakstan get a good shout. China have their simple and effective ‘Ja yo’-add oil(to the flames), which drowns out anything when they sing it in their thousands. But they love the Irish who sing from the moment our boxers enter the arena, and stand for most of the bout. The fact we have more than one chant amazes them too.
Last night was as good as they come in terms of the action for us. Fair play to Barnes and Egan, both put in excellent performances, and boxed far smarter than their opponets. Having watched the rest of Egan’s weight twice now, I think he should win gold. There really is nothing there to scare him. The brit Jeffries certainly shouldn’t, and I fully expect him to get to the final. His defence is superb(only conceded 4 points in three bouts) and he’s able to pick someone off or go after them. The only problem he might face is the refereeing/scoring, which some federations have complained is favoured to the home team. An opponent really has to batter a chinese opponent to get past him.
Which might be Barnes’ big problem. Zou Shiming has looked pretty good so far… and he’ll have the crowd and possibly the judge and jury on his side. To beat him Paddy will need the fight of his life. Best of luck Paddy.

In other Olympic news, China nearly killed itself on monday when Liu Xiang bottled the 100m hurdles. His face has been on every bus and wall for four years and it was like their Saipan, multiplied by a thousand. Tickets for his final were the most expensive of the games and people had payed massively over the odds. The Bird’s Nest will only be half full this thursday night, just you see… which we won’t, because China aren’t showing the athletics. Yes, what much of the world would see as the marque event of the Oympics is not being shown on the telly, because there is no chance of chinese medals. Instead, we get highlights of last week or documentaries on the winners.
Not a fan of Ohorougo or whatever her name is, the brit 400m winner. For athletics to be seen as clean, they need to be above suspicion. She missed three tests in a row. Her excuses were pathetic- ‘I was thinking about my driving test, I was on the other side of town’. I was in the Bird’s Nest for her heats and she looked much bigger and stronger than all her competitors. She has had Coe and the likes campaigning on her behalf pleading it was an honest mistake(3 honest ones, in a row???), but I’m still not buuying it. That’s how De Bruin did it, miss a few events while you get juiced up and build the muscles, then flush it out and be ‘clean’ for the actual event.
Lastly, fair play to Martin Cullen, he’s the only dignitary who has the balls to hang a flag over a set of seats in the vip are of the stadium. Even if he is on a super two week junket with the kids.
Any olympic queries should be sent to me on email, its

Fucking brilliant summation juhnniallo, great read!

great updates from china there.
the TFK correspondent is doing his bit to fill us in with details.
nice one.
I’d say there will be some atmosphere when egan fights the english guy.
800 years. 800 fuckin years!!

Anyone hear Bernard Dunne last night? He asked Billo what Bill thought woulda went through Egans head if he was told yesterday he had a chance to have a bronze in his pocket and to fight Jeffries for the silver. Bill said no what would Egan have thought. Dunne replies.

“I’ve just won the lotto”.

Am liking Dunne and Lee as commentators. Carruth is a self agrandising cunt, but shur he’s fat and got fuck all else in his life I guess.

Great report Juhy.

The investment in boxing has really paid off - all five have won a bout that justifies each of their trips and gets them a profile and the three bucks in the quarters is a super achievement. Egan certainly has a smashing chance of a gold. He should win his semi-final if he keeps his form up - far superior boxer to Jeffries and his control of his fights has been superb. Sutherland fight should be explosive today, you going to it?

Did anyone hear the interview with Paddy Barnes yesterday? He had a go at Mick Dowling in it which was pretty funny because nobody in RT knew how to react, they weren’t expecting that.

On Ohorougo I found it pretty sickening that there’s been little enough mention on BBC of her background. And Seb Coe is an utter prick for offering a character reference. What she did is completely unacceptable and she should never have been allowed to run at the Olympics. Hope Egan smacks Jeffries around the place as punishment for those cheating Brit bastards.

[quote=“therock67”]Great report Juhy.

Did anyone hear the interview with Paddy Barnes yesterday? He had a go at Mick Dowling in it which was pretty funny because nobody in RT knew how to react, they weren’t expecting that.


What he say rock?

Also what time is Sutherland boxing at today?

Sutherland is boxing at one.

He was asked what it was like to win a medal and he just said something like “Well I knew I could win a medal despite what people like Mick Dowling said about me and I went out there to prove him wrong and I did.”

Stunned silence was the response. To be fair to Dowling he’s very supportive of all the amateur boxers and was probably just speculating on possible outcomes before the tournament began.

Good man Paddy. To be fair, it wouldnt be like a Nordie fella to have a chip on his shoulder though.

If he does win, what flag and anthem will be used ?

His name is Paddy Barnes, what do you think?!

Love the sig btw, genius.

I just remember it happening before and it wasnt the Tricolour that went up the flagpole. I think it was blamed on the local organisers at the time.

have to say a big thank you to whoever put this link up, it is brilliant !!

I generally like the Guardian as a newspaper but their coverage of that Christine Ohuruogu one is ridiculous. Some selected quotes:

“Having faced shame, deep-seated scepticism about the source of her achievements and the prospect of a premature end to a career of outstanding promise, last night she took a giant stride towards personal redemption.”

Some redemption that is - winning. Was gold in Seoul a personal redemption for Ben Johnston too?

“Even Olympic gold is unlikely to snuff out all the uncertainty…”

How in God’s name would Olympic gold snuff out any uncertainty? Surely it adds to the cheating?

“She says she missed the second test because she was completing an overdue article for a charity magazine, and the fateful third test because there was a school sports day at Mile End.”

Ah for God’s sake - school sports and a charity magazine. How pathetic is that.

“Ohuruogu has consistently maintained that she is innocent of doping, and none of the numerous tribunals that have examined the case has ever concluded that she was intentionally evading the testers.”

The tribunals don’t have to prove that she was intentionally evading the testers. Evading them at all was enough to have her banned for life initially.

If she is named as an ambassador for the London games, and there is talk that she might be, then the “crusade” against doping in British athletics will be confirmed as an utter sham. Actually the continued involvement of Linford Christie has long proved that but anyway this would be another crazy decision.

I agree wholeheartedly rock, its sickening. There is no difference between Ohurougu and Michelle Smith in my eyes. Both disappeared off the drug testing radar and came back beasts. I know Britain are desperate for some sort of medals in the Athletics (its interesting to hear the Aussies slag them off saying they can only win medals when they are sitting down) and are clutching onto her, but its disgusting. She won a BBS Sports Personality award last year, they dont care.