The Olympics

i think that if both bolt and phelps were found to being doping i think it would such a blow that i donā€™t think that the olympics or either of the sports would ever recover fromā€¦hopefully for the sake of the future of the games they are cleanā€¦

If either Bolt or Phelps is caught I give up.

i think pretty much everybody will mbbā€¦

definately. would completely make a mockery of the whole thing. the marquee names of these olympics, if caught with drugs, I dont think the olympics as a shole would recover. its in bad enough shape as it is, feck all real interest and still a cloud of drugs taking hanging over it all.

Lads, do any of you honestly believe that Bolt and Phelps are completely clean?

i donā€™t think there is such a thing as a completely clean athlete these days as all have certain tricksā€¦like using inhalers and certain vitamin supplimentsā€¦ but i would like to believe what they are not pumped off their tits on banned performance enhancing drugsā€¦and until there is proof to say otherwise i am will to give the two of them the benefit of the doubtā€¦

I want to believe.

Bolt jogged through his semi final there while the guy next to him was busting his gut. It was a total piss take and if it can be put up to him at all Michael Johnsons record will surely go.

I dont believe this woman for one second.

Ohuruogu grabs gold for Britain

Christine Ohuruogu captured 400m gold for Britain as a late injection of pace saw her reel in the field in Beijing.

The 24-year-old crossed the line in 49.62 seconds to eclipse Jamaicaā€™s Shericka Williams and American title favourite Sanya Richards.

Ohuruogu, who last summer completed a one-year ban for missing three out-of-competition drugs tests, added the Olympic crown to the 2007 world title.

Her victory in China makes Ohuruogu the first British Olympic 400m champion.

iā€™d say theyā€™re cleanā€¦just freaksā€¦what drug would help bolt take considerably less strides than anyone else in the race or help phelps be able to stay under water longer than any of his opponents?

Youā€™re joking right?

Yep, that Pukeā€™s tattoo alright:

ā€˜If you donā€™t know Davy Fitz then donā€™t judge him. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but Iā€™m the only one on on first name terms with the man.ā€™

It covers both his arms and a bit of his face.

no the tattoo says " im not a fan of davy but i respect him and if you donā€™t know us then donā€™t judge us, you bollocks, up the banner" its across my arseā€¦took me weeks to get it done and the font is in saffron and blueā€¦

noā€¦deadly seriousā€¦drugs might help a person do faster strides alright but not fewerā€¦i would have thought thats technique and his natural buildā€¦same with phelps not needing to come up for air as often as opponents due to his lung capacityā€¦maybe iā€™m miles off and just a bit naiveā€¦

Iā€™d say you left out the word ā€œbollocksā€ and just stuck in an arrow?

Agreed with you there scumpot. Hard to say that theyā€™re definitively not on drugs but both Phelps and Bolt have unique physical characteristics (long back for Phelps, long stride for Bolt) that means theyā€™re better proportioned than most of their rivals. Whether drugs are also a factor or not is a different matter but the consensus seems to be that theyā€™re clean.

If the likes of yer one Ohuruogu and that Russian walker who tested positive for EPO are competing and winning then itā€™s hard to have much faith in the testing, therefore itā€™s hard to have much faith in anybody else.

Watched Eganā€™s fight earlier, classy classy performance. He comes across as a real character when interviewed. There might be some late liquid lunches over in Finches the next few days. Fancy him to beat Jefferies from what Iā€™ve seen so far. I watched Jefferies last fight when he won on a countback and he wasnā€™t great - he was better today but the Hungarian he was fighting didnā€™t look up to much. Was reading that Jefferies finaced his amateur boxing career by buying a van and selling burgers from it outside Sunderland home matches. Maybe heā€™ll do a remake of ā€œThe Vanā€ if he wins gold.

[quote=ā€œsid waddellā€]If the likes of yer one Ohuruogu and that Russian walker who tested positive for EPO are competing and winning then itā€™s hard to have much faith in the testing, therefore itā€™s hard to have much faith in anybody else.

Watched Eganā€™s fight earlier, classy classy performance. He comes across as a real character when interviewed. There might be some late liquid lunches over in Finches the next few days. Fancy him to beat Jefferies from what Iā€™ve seen so far. I watched Jefferies last fight when he won on a countback and he wasnā€™t great - he was better today but the Hungarian he was fighting didnā€™t look up to much. Was reading that Jefferies finaced his amateur boxing career by buying a van and selling burgers from it outside Sunderland home matches. Maybe heā€™ll do a remake of ā€œThe Vanā€ if he wins gold.[/quote]
Egan fought Jeffries recently enough and beat the Englishman handy too. Hope for a repeat.

The boys over at Olympics HQ are well on top of their media rights. No sooner was the Barnes fight uploaded to TFKTube then it had been taken down. It usually takes UEFA a few weeks or months to find their content and this didnā€™t even have Olympics anywhere in the name or description.

did you receive a slap on the wrists also rock or a strongly worded letterā€¦

requilme after scoring a peno to put argintina 3-0 against brazil and pretty much book their place in the finalā€¦