The Olympics

Ole Ole Oleā€¦

Can we have that song earsed from the national memory please???

Great win though. Savage performance.

3 guaranteed medals, really shows the work being done on the boxing side is paying off.

Maybe we should shelve this Athletics lark and focus on the boxing. Fair play to him. Great win.

Lads, canā€™t say Iā€™m all that up on all things boxing but just wondering what are the chances of these 5 lads staying amateur for London in 2012?

Alistair Cragg looks like he was nowhere in the 5000m as well.

Cragg has gone to the dogs altogether.

Good win for Sutherland, yer man looked bollixed half way through. Good footwork on the boy Sutherland, heā€™s not bad.

[quote=ā€œmyboyblueā€]Cragg has gone to the dogs altogether.

Good win for Sutherland, yer man looked bollixed half way through. Good footwork on the boy Sutherland, heā€™s not bad.[/quote]

looked like it was 6th or 7th I think

6th I think but dont know if thats good enough for him.


6 2041 CRAGG Alistair Ireland 13:38.57

6th place, not good enough to qualify?

Sutherland was class, utterly in control. Thought it would be a much wilder fight than that, the Venezualan lad didnā€™t box well at all.

Mac: Sutherland is definitely turning pro after these games. Thatā€™s always been his plan and heā€™s got that style of fighting.

Egan will stay amateur because thatā€™s what suits him. Heā€™s a very good technical boxer. Donā€™t know about Joyce, Nevin and Barnes but theyā€™re all very young and Nevin in particular is only a kid and doesnā€™t look cut out for the pro game, yet anyway.

Hi might make it if the orther race is slower.
Qualification: First 4 in each heat(Q) and the next 3 fastest(q) advance to the Final.
If no more than one runner outside the top four does a better time in the second semi.

Looks like itā€™ll be 2 Ireland vs England boxing semi finals

What is it about Irish Boxers with weird accents? Sutherland has some weird voice on him! Some boxer though.

Does anyone know if Billy Walsh is in any way connected to Liam Griffin - they sound the exact same as each other.


Egan will stay amateur because thatā€™s what suits him. Heā€™s a very good technical boxer. Donā€™t know about Joyce, Nevin and Barnes but theyā€™re all very young and Nevin in particular is only a kid and doesnā€™t look cut out for the pro game, yet anyway.[/quote]

This could be a totally stupid question butā€¦

Is there any money in amature boxing??

second semi slower, he is in the final.

[quote=ā€œThe Runtā€]This could be a totally stupid question butā€¦

Is there any money in amature boxing??[/quote]

There are significant grants. So itā€™s possible to be a full-time amateur boxer without being a pro sort of thing. Really suits the likes of Sutherland who is in DCU part-time.

Oops, didnā€™t realise there was a third heat for thisā€¦ heā€™s not there yet so.

14 minutes to wait for thatā€¦

Barnes semi-final is 12 on Friday follwed by Egan at 2ā€¦

Any idea is Sutherland up Friday as wellā€¦ would need to be i suppose as the Finals are Sunday