The Olympics

Chinese lads impossible to hit

An Ali shuffle for show too just to rub it in

Fucking hell 11 up at the end of round 3 and the chinese guy is standing in his corner with not even a sweat brokeā€¦

Muscley hoor too that chinese lad. In fairness heā€™s the guy to beat a top boxer, surely the gold medalist. Even if anyone gets close to him it will be impossible to get the scores registered with the home crowd baying the whole time

That was just a difference in class really. Barnes had no chance. Your man is some boxer, picked him off with total ease.

bit of a hockeying there.

You fucking cunt fury! what would you know about it ya bollox ya !!

No shame in losing to a lad like that, he was outstanding, put Paddy over his knee.

paddy not too happy with the bronzeā€¦

Nordie fellas are never happy, case in point, Kieran McGeeney.

Jesus some interview there from Barnes ! saying they can keep their Bronze medal its only for losers and he may not box again, ā€œwhats the point with judges like thatā€ !!

Fair enough he is gutted but you have to take it.

Poor auld paddy ā€œkeep the bronze medal, what is it? thats for losersā€ heā€™s awful disappointed. In fairness I agree with him on the scoring though he should have got a few points in rounds 1 and 2 as he caught the chinese lad a few times. He would still have been beaten out the gate though.

Paddy may have connected a few times but thereā€™s no way he was half the boxer yer man was.

Yeah that was a more palatable loss alright. There was a real gulf in class there and itā€™s hard to see your man not picking up gold.

Sutherland on the other hand got his tactics wrong you suspect.

John Joe Joyce can take a small bit of consolation from the fact that the Diaz lad who beat him on the countback has gone on to the final. Probably not much worth to him now but it proves he was only narrowly beaten by a top class fighter.

I know that heā€™s not even a quarter but he should still have got a few points.
But it wasnā€™t just that fight I think 3 judges have to see the punch and register it within a certain time of each other or it doesnā€™t count.
Made no odds in this case though he was totally outclassed no doubt about it.

Jayzus missed that interview. Thought the scoring was harsh on him because he connected once or twice and just got points against him for timid counter-punches but he never threatened to win that fight.

Funny oul attitude though.

Jayz, surprised by Paddyā€™s poor reaction there. He was utterly outclassed and surely knows it himself. Granted he got 3 or 4 clean punches that werenā€™t scored. Thatā€™s Nordies for ya though.

The best thing about these Olympics has the post event interviews!

I like his attitude too about the bronze medal. Prefer it to Sutherlandā€™s attitude this morning, where he didnā€™t seem overly concerned about the loss.

The interviews in the immediate aftermath of the events are after throwing up soem great quotes.

The Brit relay team getting interviewed while they were watching the big screen to see if they were disqualified was harsh but great tv.

If Paddy is blaming the judges he is dillusional and Bruce Lee must have hit him harder than it looked.

All hopes now rest of Ken Egan to rescue my Olympic Sunday Session. If he loses itā€™ll just be back to being plan old normal Sunday Session.