The Olympics

Degale took Sutherland to school this morning

he sure did, he must have learned a lot from the previous meetings, it was hard to land clean shots on him. Sutherland just wasnā€™t firing on all cylinders though maybe nerves sapped him a bit. No shame though in a bronze and I thought he was very gracious in defeat, fair play to him.

Oh yea, very true, great medal nonetheless.

Degale is a right cocky cunt.

Seems to be, did u spot where he tapped Sutherland on top of the headgear 3times and started grinning, I wanted to go in and put my boot through his hole with a kick.

Yeah he didnā€™t seem too upset afterwards. Absolutely outgunned though, never looked like getting on top. However effective the boxing tactics were in the last bout I think he needed to be far more aggressive today.

True and heā€™s normally an extremely aggressive fighter

Doyle wasnā€™t making any excuses for him really. She just said that they couldnā€™t prove he was using it for rapping or whatever itā€™s called and she hopes not but you just donā€™t know. She pretty much didnā€™t believe him but framed her comments in such a way as to grudgingly accept weā€™ll never be able to prove that.

I donā€™t know why your man failed the test but the reality is heā€™ll probably get a short ban and he should do himself and his country a favour and be grateful for that.

He is alright, thatā€™s why his tactics were surprising. I can understand him being cagey if heā€™s the better boxer and to just be sure of his win, like against Blanco in the last fight, but the way to beat Degale was surely to outfight him. Thatā€™s his natural style so it was disappointing that he strayed from it unsuccessfully.

At that stage I thought he was going to put Sutherland over his knee and tan his arse he owned him that much.

He looked like a tired fighter with jelly legs if you know what I mean, he seemed to be a second behind the pace and couldnā€™t find his range at all. Ah well at least we have the other 2 lads to come, maybe 1 of them will have more success today.

Looked like he missed getting his dose of Deep Heat before the match.

He should have rubbed some on his ballbag, heā€™d be well able to move then Iā€™d say

Watched Sutherland fight before work. Was disappointing alright. Sutherlandā€™s defence let him down which was unusual. Degale had a big reach and when Sutherland went in swinging, Degale just picked him off easy. Onto pro now for Darren.



Proof that the Yeti does exist

A monumental, and surprising, win for the Latvian Strombergs earlier in the BMX time trials. He managed to hold off both Americans to take the gold and snatch an unlikely victory in this most gruelling and challenging event. A fantastic achievement.

How it was not made an Olympic event until recently is something most sport enthusiasts could not understand, but having lit up the games its surely going to be the highlight of future games and bound to send kids racing for their nearest bike store (much like wimbledon and rackets)

Lets just hope team Ireland are there for this event in London and are given the proper funding to do so.

Ah woah nowā€¦

Poor Paddys fooked too Iā€™d say

Barnes gone now, 8=0 down end of round two. being well out classed.

Paddy Barnes taking a bit of a doing here.