The Olympics

soft scores but it was the 1st rounds 2 pts that bate Kenny.

Well done Kenny; You are a gent and a sportsman we can all be proud of.
Enjoy it.

[quote=ā€œdancarterā€]I dont know much about boxing but how did egan not win that? i thought at times they gave the chinese a point when kenny landed a punhc

the judges are under a lot of pressure, id say it must happen a load that they press the wrong fighter when a punch is landed, one fooker with the yips and the voting is completely skewed

Fair play to egan, gutted but fairly composed and no sour grapes when he would have been entitled I think[/quote]

The lads are being gracious enough in fairness. Poor Bill Walsh there is v close to tears.

The first round cost him dearly alright and Egan acknowledged that. He usually boxes on the defensive so it hurt him a bit to have to come forward.

Having said that the scoring was a joke. I donā€™t think itā€™s so much the points he didnā€™t get (though there were some of them) as the points that your man got for fuck all. But thatā€™s the nature of the scoring system and itā€™s magnified when you go behind. The judges are always more likely to give points to the guy whoā€™s ahead because itā€™s easier and the likelihood is that itā€™s more deserved. If youā€™re judging and red corner is leading by 4 points well you can see that. A flurry of punches comes in and youā€™re not sure who connected well youā€™re thinking to yourself that the other lads are probably pressing red because he seems to be landing cleaner so you go for that yourself.

Jimmy Page

in Bejing for the closing ceremony; heā€™s on the Bebby now.

F.Me! Decades of sex drugs, more drugs, rock & roll and more dope again is good for you.


International Amateur Boxing Association officials engaged in a war words in front of the worldā€™s press on Friday as the sportā€™s governing body claimed to have uncovered an attempt to corrupt the Olympic programme.

AIBA technical delegate Rudel Obrejaā€™s attempts to hold a press conference at the Workersā€™ Gymnasium venue to highlight what he said were underhand practices were hijacked by AIBA secretary-general Ho Kim, and an unseemly spat ensued.

Obreja claimed Kim had personally overseen the changing of referees and judges for between ā€˜60 and 70%ā€™ of the Olympic bouts.

Obreja said: 'I want a clean and honest tournament but whatā€™s happening here is very bad. Under AIBA rules the names of referees and judges come out of a computer but here in Beijing that rule was broken.

ā€˜Ho Kim who calls himself secretary-general of this tournament has changed 60-70% of those names. I am speaking out now because I want the whole world to see what is going on. I expect to be expelled from AIBA for what Iā€™m telling you.ā€™

Obrejaā€™s microphone was then turned off and the press conference room lights turned off by officials just as Kim arrived to angrily accuse Obreja of undertaking a ā€˜political exerciseā€™ and describing his claims as ā€˜absolute nonsenseā€™

Later AIBA issued a statement in which they announced they had decided to instigate a regular review of bout officials following information about attempts to manipulate the Olympic scoring system.

The statement read: 'Two months prior to the start of the competition, AIBA had obtained information regarding a possible attempt on the part of certain individuals, both within the organisation and within the competition officials, to manipulate the competition.

'As a result of this information AIBA initiated a number of steps to prevent interference among officials during the competition. Those steps included instigating a regular revision of the official draw of the referees and judges in order to ensure neutrality for all bouts.

ā€˜When the situation became more serious, AIBA also notified the IOC sports department of the issue and the IOC provided an independent observer to overview the competition.ā€™

Theres a great ding dong battle on rte 2 now, spain v usa final of mens basketball

USA cant get away from spain, 2 points in it start of 4th quarter

Thought Egan was unlucky myself but not sure he did enough to win it. As rock said some of the scores awarded to the Chinese boxer seemed silly. Wonder will he stay amateur now. As an aside thought RTEā€™s coverage of boxing throughout the Olympics has been great and look forward to highlights show tonight with Bill. Is it just me or is there tension between Dowling and the three others?

[quote=ā€œSHANNONSIDER**ā€]The Taekwando went nuclear today with one lad giving a referee a round-house to the head. Anyone see it? It was priceless. Yer man got a lifeban of course, but heā€™s a legend on youtube. The Khazak who won a bronze on the technicality was pathetic, whooping it up after winning the bout when yer man was ā€˜counted outā€™ when ahead. An empty victory.

YouTube - Beijing 08 - Taekwondo referee attacked! (High Quality)[/quote]

Thats hilarious.

[quote=ā€œdancarterā€]Theres a great ding dong battle on rte 2 now, spain v usa final of mens basketball

USA cant get away from spain, 2 points in it start of 4th quarter[/quote]

Iā€™m too sick to watch it properly, but I can here your man commentating. Heā€™s brilliant.

Go go go eSpana

Ar Least the Shoved it to the billion dollar Yanks

Waterpolo Final now.

Fancy yere chances with these lads!

I wouldnā€™t say no meself thoā€™

The judges were a little dodgy, but considering Ireland has now been been caught cheating at 2 of the last Olympics and has serious question marks over the Atlanta Olympics, it a bit rich for us to start pointing fingers.

Egan is a class act.

The boxing team summed everything thats good about sport for me huge pride in wearing the Irish singlet, total honesty in the performances and they were a complete antidote to the shite that goes on in so much professional sport (and which we also saw some of in Croke Park today). Coming from West Dublin myself it was a great thrill watching Kenny Egans performances and its such a pity he couldnt finish it off this morning. Great humour from him though at the presentation kissing the gold medal goodbye. A class act in every sense.

Michael Carruths opinion was that Egan will turn professional. I think he might do and if he does I cant blame him really. Its a long road to the next Olympics by which time hell be 30. If he doesnt turn pro now hes pretty much forfeiting a pro career forever.

Agree with all that Sid. Class acts those boxers are the lot of them. All five were beaten by the eventual gold medal winners and all had the right attitude in terms of commitment and effort and not being too big for their boots. Egan in particular always came across very well.

Heā€™s not really suited to the pro game because heā€™s a counter puncher and heā€™s more of a boxer and a fighter. That said he has the chance to cash in now and earn a few quid and thereā€™s no time to cash in like now. Heā€™d be touch and go for the next Olympics and the four years in between is a long time like you say. He can cash in now and get his deserved few paydays. Donā€™t think heā€™ll ever be a huge success in the pro game but you canā€™t begrudge him the chance to get himself some savings - while heā€™s well looked after in the amateur game, it pays for now not for the future.

ā€œThe English, population 60 million, have won nine gold medals at these Games. Australia, with a third of the population, has 11 golds thus far. The other seven claimed by the Poms were in fact won under the nonsensical banner of Great Britain with the help of the Scots and Welsh and a cyclist who was born in Belgium to an Australian father whose genes were obviously passed on.ā€

  • Australian sports writer Robert Lusetich.

Those Aussies have a way with the ol words.

that quote was in a response to the sun getting advertised trucks driving around Sydney and London with a banner on it with GB 19 gold, Australia 13, or whatever the totals were.

full story here:

Interesting article here by Wayne McCullough about the computer scoring system in boxing.,19793,12533_4036634,00.html

[quote=ā€œsid waddellā€]Interesting article here by Wayne McCullough about the computer scoring system in boxing.,19793,12533_4036634,00.html[/quote]

Cheers Sid, never realised he had a regular column there at all, i was always a massive fan of his but wish the man would call it a day for good soon with his own boxing career

He did call it a day in the Caymans recently did he not?

Good article anyway and some decent points made down the bottom. Itā€™s too different from the pro game now and while thereā€™s better contests at amateur often itā€™s going too martial artsy with the scoring I think. Body punches being the main missing element as McCullough says.

[quote=ā€œtherock67ā€]He did call it a day in the Caymans recently did he not?

Good article anyway and some decent points made down the bottom. Itā€™s too different from the pro game now and while thereā€™s better contests at amateur often itā€™s going too martial artsy with the scoring I think. Body punches being the main missing element as McCullough says.[/quote]

He did after the fight but within 2days retracted it and said he is not retired.
He has a fight lined up soon more than likely for some mickey mouse belt in the States(not a world/international belt). He is an ambassador of some sort for the UFC too these days which is amazing as a lot of the boxing community wouldnā€™t mix with the MMA guys. He has a weekly column on that website too normally on the upcoming fighters on the next big event.

A lot of ye lads should sstart watching the UFC cards they are top class