The Olympics

As is the case with all of RTEā€™s commentators at major international sporting events this summer including every Euro 2020 match, John Kenny and Nick Oā€™Hare are at the venue itself, in this case the Olympic swimming stadium in Tokyo.

You could do a lot worse than lie on a couch for two hours and watch swimming heat after swimming heat filled with swimmers youā€™ve never heard of. In true TFK style, by the end of it all, youā€™ll be an expert.

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Andrew Breeā€™s voice sounds very like that of Ian Paisley Junior. But the two have very different politics.

Proper joy on the faces of the hockey girls during the anthem. Delighted to be out there.

The Irish 16 is a flaking bit of stuff.

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I know fuck all about hockey but Iā€™d do a better job at commentating than Ger Canning.

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Ger didnā€™t know what happened there.

Limerick girl scores

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Hadnā€™t a fuckin clue

Heā€™s just muttering ā€œopportunityā€, ā€œopportunityā€, ā€œopportunityā€.

Limerickā€™s greatest sportsperson puts us ahead.

At the risk of being cancelled the pale ref appears to be favouring our gals

Nervy last few minutes here

Edit: I thought it was two halves rather than quarters ffs. Up 1-0 at half time

My 9 year old and 7 year old both do Taekwondo. They were excited all week about Woolley. Distraught and in tears for him as well after that heart breaking loss.


Hopefully Earl McCarthy will be in hand to give his thoughts on the swimming
A great analyst

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I cannot believe this is not an Olympic sport.


And dressage is. Madness. Iā€™m all for adding more events but without cutting others

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Dressage is the best horsey sport, in that itā€™s the one least likely to kill horses.

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Most Olympic sports come from the military. Dressage is part of that.

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It looks ridiculous to me tbf but there clearly is a skill in it.

Iā€™d love to see some of these sports back in. Some are batshit

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