The Olympics

Iā€™m not talking about Skibb, it was a blanket statement, ā€˜rowing is a sport for failed rugby playing commerce graduatesā€™
Thatā€™s absolute bullshit, Iā€™m surprised you endorsed it,
Now Iā€™m done

How are we doing at the boxing? I know one of the boxers beat the number 1 there the other day, have we any in medal bouts yet or has the competition not that got that far yet?

Thereā€™s no such thing as a failed rubby playerā€¦

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Aidan Walsh is one fight away from a medal. I presume Kurt Warner is as well given heā€™s won two fights.


Didnā€™t John Flanagan from Martinstown win three gold medals in the hammer throw?

Having kayaked about 3 times in TY in school myself I can say itā€™s not as easy as portrayed and requires real skill and dedication.

Was he competing for Ireland?

I think it was Warner that beat the number 1 seed is his weight the other day.

Heā€™ll probably need to go under 48 seconds to reach a final. Very big ask. But heā€™s proven himself a big stage kind of guy.

Only lose 13 of 37 tomorrow so heā€™ll cruise to semi final and then top two and two fastest to final.

A new low for @BruidheanChaorthainn - the middle of Galway race week and he hammering away at the keyboard looking for a row (pun intended).

Get out and enjoy yourself lad.

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Heā€™s 9th ranked in the world this year I think? So not impossible. I presumed he pulled himself out of the 4x400 relay to focus solely on the Hurdles to make the final?

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Ireland didnt exist

Emmet o brien in his gundalow are aiming at Paris 2024.

Do you count athletics?
They have to get from A to B without a canoe


The anti rugby crowd are seething that their middle class sport of choice has been criticised.


Brilliant interview and brilliant young men.

National treasures.


The swimming equivalent of the mixed doubles up here. Men racing women. Tremenjus.

Where I come from rowing was always the sport of the common man


Tis an awful thing when lads just donā€™t want to be happy

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