The Olympics

Likewise - Limerick City has a grand tradition of rowing and thereā€™s little cross over to rubby.

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I attended the Henley Regatta two years ago. Iā€™m happy to field any rowing questions.

Carlows Sean Drea is probably casting a rueful smile today.

the whitegate rowing club has heaps of members and none of them played rugby or gaa.

Lads will be claiming go karting is a sport next.

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People involved in rowing are there since the teenage years, Iā€™d be interested to know who @BruidheanChaorthainn is referencing, I know people heavily involved in the Limerick scene and nobody fits that bill, same for Cork.

I think thatā€™s bullshit, as is your quip about 7 years to row for Ireland or youā€™re a retard, absolute bullshit, the vast majority of rowers would never row for Ireland

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In my mind it was always lads not drawn to field sportsā€¦ in Cork a lot of the pres boys row and im sure thereā€™s a cross over of sorts during school years.


A lovely man. I met him once as I know his son.

He was and is a big man.

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of course thereā€™s a crossover - sure you wouldnā€™t find rowing until a certain age unless youā€™d family involved or were from an area where it was popular. Most Irish young lads play every sport. Rowing is fairly niche - so it would take time to get to it.

Yer man is only winding and has about 3 or 4 lads on the go.

whatā€™s this?

Rowers go on a long time donā€™t they? Paul Oā€™Donovan is only 27

Itā€™s stronger heā€™ll get for a while

I went down to Shannon rowing club at 15 ā€¦ your man told me hold on and iā€™ll go out with the boys first and then weā€™ll bring you out on the way back for a short spinā€¦ A large boat came up on the boys and upended them, snapping the boat while doing so ā€” I took it as a sign and never went back.

Steve Redgrave went into his forties.

Pity for him thereā€™s no individual race in the Olympics

I didnā€™t make the comment. It was said in my company by an English guy who had been rowing for five years. He never rowed internationally, so read into that what you will.

The technique involved for sculling, and double or quad sculls in particular, is very difficult. Youā€™d want to know how to swim and you wouldnā€™t want to be squeamish about swallowing a bit of river water, put it that way.

I went to the Henley Regatta
Intending to put out to sea
They pronounced me persona non grata
Goes to show that you canā€™t come and go as you please.

The shit youā€™ve spouted there now is unlike you, I expect the wind up from @BruidheanChaorthainn because thatā€™s his MO, you know a lot about sport and itā€™s history etc, so I expect more, you agreed that itā€™s a sport for failed rugby players, thatā€™s absolute horseshit, maybe those lads get into social rowing from time to time, theyā€™re not representing their country.

I didnā€™t say the Skib lads were failed rugby players. Skib and a few other places around the country are different. A lot of it is about access to good water. Sculling is a superior discipline to 8s or even 4s rowing, which is caveman stuff by comparison.

Hereā€™s a failed rugby player who just randomly rang up the British rowing team to see if he could play :sweat_smile:

Itā€™s a very skilful alright.

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