The Olympics

Weā€™re targeting white water rafting. Our boat will be a lovely diverse mix of IFSCIRA types and local hoodlums.


Paddleboarding will have to get in soon youā€™d imagine. Contestants will be judged on how content and serene they look.


And how quickly they can load it onto the Range Rover.


Theyā€™ve got great mountains and infrastructure there

RTE are joking that we should replace ā€œIrelandā€ with ā€œSkibereenā€ in the medal table.

Letā€™s be honest here - itā€™s not normal for one small town to have enough natural talent to produce loads of world champions in a planet with a population of 7+ billion. Theyā€™re not cheating or anything but there arenā€™t that many people really trying to make it as top level rowers and starting young enough.

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Heā€™ll have his work cut out to make the final this time around. Unless he falls, hard to see past Karsten Warholm in the 400 hurdles.

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India - over 1 billion people, one silver medal so far.

:india: :2nd_place_medal:

One man in Skibereen created a culture of excellence, obviously we arenā€™t talking about a mainstream sport though

But nearly all of the top Kenyan and Ethiopian runners come from the same areas of their countries, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s loads of examples


All the original fish and chip shop owners came from one small area in Italy.


Fuckin hell a couple of these BMX crashes look fairly brutal.

Thatā€™s a good pointā€¦

Unrelated to that point but on a similar tangent. There are three athletes at the Olympics who grew up within 5 miles of me. In three completely different sports. None of the three are in any way connected.

Mona mcsharry is from Grange in Sligo and there is another athlete at the Olympic from there as well

At one point in the 80s the 5th fastest man in the World at 1500m (or something) for that season was the the 3rd fastest in Munster


Now thatā€™s a good bit of trivia! Who were they do you know

Frank Oā€™Mara, Marcus Oā€™Sullivan and

Also arenā€™t all them Kenyan lads trained by an Irish priest? Or a lot of them at least

I suppose thatā€™s just coincidence in your case, maybe not.

I remember in Matthew Syeds book ā€˜Bounceā€™ he started with a chapter about his table tennis career, most of the top players in England came from the same street or something, one person can be a huge influence.

My sister trained under Dominic Casey for a while and he is meant to be something else altogether

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Yes, he is a teacher in the school in Iten, had a huge influence on Kenyan running, but theyā€™re all from the same few villages

Yes a coincedence and no more really. Suppose is options locally to do whatever sport you want and lot of sports well supported in the area.

Iā€™m afraid to say I donā€™t know the answer to my own bit of trivia. Possibly kiernan on top of the two @Biff_Egan named. But from memory it was someone I hadnā€™t heard of in third.
Itā€™s also possible it was Ray Flynn or Coughlan and the trivia was third fastest in Ireland but Iā€™m nearly certain it was munster.

I think it was an early season thing, but I always remembered the fact itself without any of the details unfortunately

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