The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

Fair play to @Locke; a top top poster


It’s the thread that this forum was crying out for.

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You sound like you’re really getting yourself back in the game and #livingyourbestlife. Keep it going :clap:

Whats he doing throwing out baby stuff, he’ll need them. A corner forward makimg machine for the 2049 4 in a row team

It’s much easier to do when there’s a match and craic and pints on offer.

None of that stopped me from being back in hospital over the week (only as an outpatient this time, thankfully).

How do you find the pints interacting with your mood?

A bit different with Dublin winning I know.


But I’m neither from Limerick, fat, or the owner of a Munster jersey

Other than that it’s like I was there

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Very bad the next day. I had two heavy sessions in Dublin Thursday and Sunday after coming up Thursday morning for an appointment(non-connected to mental health) after being in the hospital in Galway the Wednesday and Saturday before and the next days were fairly black. I’ve been largely off medication since February but they’re at me to start again, which I was supposed to do on Thursday, they’ve been ringing me up and all, but I haven’t yet done so, perhaps because I’d a fair idea I’d be drinking on Sunday.

I didn’t even want to go to the final to be honest and hadn’t tried looking for a ticket. I got a lift in and even on Iona Road before I was getting out of the car I was thinking of just going home and not bothering because I considered the whole thing a hassle I didn’t need. I likely would not have gone had I not been in Dublin anyway. I picked up a ticket very handy which helped with the hassle side.

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It’ll all work itself out. :+1:

I hope. It’s actually mad how many people I’ve come across lately have eyesight problems.

I was drinking with an acquaintance of mine I hadn’t seen for 10 years on Sunday and it turns out he now has a very serious condition called Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion and attends the same place I’m going next week, he’s even seen one of the opthalmologists I’ve gone to previously.

My next door neighbour has been blind in one eye since the 1970s.

My Mam stayed the other night at the house of a couple she used to know from teaching together, the husband has 10% sight in one eye.

A cousin of mine has Retinitis Pigmentosa, he’ll go blind eventually.

Another acquaintance of mine from Galway nearly lost his eye around a decade ago, there were cancerous cells in his eye. His next door neighbour went blind in one eye in 1990.

I had an ambulance called for me last Saturday week. The driver was telling me he had a tear in his retina caused by his son throwing a toy in it and it took three years to come right.

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As an aside, I follow Sean Ingle of Guardian Sport on Twitter. He suffered a detached retina in the press box at Wimbledon recently & has tweeted a bit about it. He’s since had the emergency surgery & he was tweeting about starting a journey to Croatia over land (via train) the other day to report on something or other.

I saw that a few days ago. It seems he only suffered it on July 5th and three weeks later he’s off inter-railing with a gas bubble still in his eye. He was getting all sorts of toxic positivity in response. I was thinking of tweeting him to tell him he was fucking mental to be even thinking of dragging himself (and presumably at least one heavy suitcase) across Europe on trains before the gas bubble had even left his eye but I figured even if he read such a reply I wasn’t going to stop him anyway and that I might get piled on by Twitter users for my trouble, so I didn’t bother.

Good to hear pal. You’re a good un, cant trust someone that supports the stags

Cian Lynch walking on O’Connell street, he has a very large blue and white unijobs umbrella, it’s not raining but the umbrella is up and he’s twirling it around as if he’s on his way to meet Mary Poppins :man_shrugging:


I thought Cian was doing a Masters in Education that time he went back to NUIG a couple of years ago. He must have opted for a job in that Limerick GAA recruitment firm instead.

I hope he is not like a lot of recruitment agents. Spoofers of the highest order.

He was definitely hurling for UCG in the Fitzgibbon either this year or last year, nearly sure someone here posted the various panels in the relevant thread and he was there.

He did two years there, finished last year.

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Got sent off in the last few minutes of the 2022 final for NUIG vs UL. Got in a tangle with Bryan O Mara.

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Was in NUIG in 21 & 22. 3rd level comps cancelled due to covid in 21. He was (scandalously) sent off in the Fitz final in 22.