The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

Tom Cashman heading into the match in the Pairc today, had his ticket printed out. And in a crossover spot, at the same game, Tomás O’Leary had his young fella playing at half time and was looking on with pride.

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Saw Blarney and Cork Senior Shane Barrett with a glamorous assistant at the Pairc too.

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How is his watch business doing?

Didn’t have the time to ask him

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News to me.

Colin Allan
Was chatting to him at a party for a good while last night. Scary looking fucker but perfectly pleasant.
Wouldn’t want to get caught robbing his pint.
Looked him up after when he said he’d played for wasps.
You can tell from this photo, that like any normal person, he thinks Austin Healey is a total cunt




Rob Heffernan flew past me in the opposite direction yesterday on the Blackrock walkway. As always, big hello from Rob.



Pat Fox
Mike Houlihan
John Bannon

All enjoying the festivities in Listowel on Wednesday.


The fucker hasn’t aged a day since he was HOTY 32 years ago.

Edit: Well maybe the limp.

My thread, my rules pal.

I’ve seen Conor McDonald twice so far today. One of the times he was whizzing by on an electric scooter (he’s currently serving a driving ban) which I felt like pushing him off or moving in front of him at the last minute in the hope he’d crash it.


Darren Mullen working for Irish Water on Wexford town high street yesterday as I left the Opera House after having some lunch.

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I had a pint after hours with Pat Fox in his pub last Friday night in Cashel. Left a wedding and got chatting to a couple as we headed towards hotel. Your man of the couple knocked on Pat’s pub door and he obliged us all with a drink.

Smashing man, very well humoured.


I was in his house years ago to meet him. A gas fella. I half idolised him as a child so I was just trying to keep my cool.


Noel Skehan and Eddie Keher, Novi Sancti Petri Golf club, :es:


Give Skehan an auld shoulder as you pass him the next time you see him - two ends of a cunt.



It’s universal. Remarkable how one man can have such a reputation.


He must be pushing 80 at this stage. He was late 30’s when he won his 7th real AI medal in '83.