The Parkrun Thread

Iā€™ll never run or volunteer at one again


Jesus, I hope there isnā€™t a raft of pretend volunteers with the same attitude, the pretend runners will have nothing to pretend to do on Saturday mornings :man_shrugging:

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And all due to lads pretending to be women


and right on cue its the castle catholic, pretending that he doesnt read the thread much and doesnt give a shit

Ehhhhhhhhhhā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ :man_shrugging:


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Thereā€™s a transgender runner that does the UL parkrun most weeks, quick enough as well, has probably won the girls race a few times

I donā€™t really understand this row, how many parkruns have all time records held by transgender, must be a tiny number

Its fooley


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Parkrun is a disgrace of an organisation


Junior Parkrun debut today. Iā€™m expecting a blistering 15 min/km pace.


Negative split :clap::clap::clap:


Nearly got her first DNF today. A big fall 200 metres in required some first aid attention. But we got it done. No PB today, but will be back next week. WE GO AGAIN.


Lovely parkrun morning with my clubmates. A long slow run starting in Raheny with a pace pickup for Fairview parkrun. Rory ā€œGaffsā€ Hearne TD upfront & a strong Sanctuary Runners presence making the relatively new East Wall residents welcome. Then a jog back to Dublin 5 for coffee & a chat. The ideal running & community morning for any woke individual. Parkrun truly is a wonderful thing.


Hereā€™s our one from today. I dragged my lass along. She had a vomit at the end. I felt bad :slightly_frowning_face:
She was ok after a tea and a drive up the mountain forest road.

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You seem to fairly regularly run your children to the point where theyā€™re vomiting, but youā€™re vehemently against 10 yr olds doing two training sessions a day occasionally :man_shrugging:t2:


Lovely use of ā€œfairly regularlyā€ and ā€œoccasionallyā€ there.
Clare roaster level debating I suppose.

There were a few conditionals and qualifications there I suppose

Iā€™ll tell you what, I was up the trail running today and felt a fairly pressing need. I wasnā€™t convinced that it was just wind and darent risk it, rightly as it turns out.
A shite in the woods is iontach e.

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