The people who must be shitting themselves thread

To think Manuel’s daughter from Fawlty Towers was the start of this arc.


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I wonder why Elon Musk immediate responded to strongly imply that any allegations against Russell Brand would be a conspiracy.

I wonder why Elon Musk has gone all in appealing to the far right.

I always thought he was a deeply unfunny one.


Black and white in the torygraph this morning that Murdoch insisted Sunak didn’t resign.
Murdoch has been allowed by the cheaply bought detritus that inhabits the Tory party these days, and new labour immediately prior to that, to basically select the government and the direction of the country. I’d not put it past him to have egged Blair into the Iraq genocide as it’d shift a few copies of the sun.


If he’s not far right why is it only the far right who are defending him?

Isn’t Jeremy a Nazi now, big fan of Putin.

That’s an article from 2015. I have a book sitting on my shelf that he released in 2019, just before Covid that is actually pretty good, helpful and devoid of the warped, paranoid ramblings that he got lost in when the pandemic hit.

I heard David Jason is a bad egg

dead GIF

Eddie Howe could be close to signing in here

So weird leftist brand is a deviant. What is with left wing and deviance. Kyle Rittenhouse should be paid to take out a few more of them.

Ex left wing. He switched sides at the start of the pandemic, like a lot of folk. I wonder was the beginning of the pandemic the biggest and quickest switch of political ideology since WW2?

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All right wing headcases start out as left wing headcases, Mussolini, Hitler, Jeremy Corbyn.

I would respectfully disagree. In the example of certain sons of Trump, it’s clearly inherited.

Trump is a New York liberal who contributed to and voted Democrat all his life, until he saw an opening to become president by pretending to be a Republican.


Do you research this stuff? Trump has flip-flopped all his life.

I struggle to see where he fitted into the ‘liberal’ category.

The US liberal category not the UK one. A supporter of big government, high taxation, high regulation and welfareism. Obviosuly he changed his “ideology” when he switched to Republican.

Liberal in the UK or Europe would be closer to US Libertarianism, small government that leaves people alone.

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Kim Jong-un’s Russian translator.
He seems to be a nervous wreck…

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