The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Based on last few days Turkey (one place below us) would batter us

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Fuck, first Luxembourg, now Turkey. We’re fucked

Irish rugby is doing well?

You’re a rugby man. You should be well versed on how things are going in Irish rugby.

I think Gerson is out on loan at a club in Ankara.

How the fuck are Turks so low?

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My next door neighbour was managing a unit in that gas construction site in Mozambique. He came home on rotation in December and for a few reasons was not able to return. He expected an attack from the islamists and said the security was not up to it. Looks like he won’t be going back there for a long time

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Justin Treacy would be an ideal rugby correspondent.

Rubby will need a much more higher appeal globally to justify such a move. Soccer is the game of the masses.

It’ll need a much more higher appeal in Ireland, never mind globally

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Justin is good people

Why are the Irish so bad at soccer? Does the sport not suit the temperament?

Wait until your beloved England flop again in June. Cant handle the pressure.

You’d have to invest heavily in such a skillful game to be considered good. We put that money into our national games instead, as it should be.


And our capital city in particular and so that should be too

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Why because they secured a place in the top half of the table in the Six Nations?

Bernie Stokes

Gerry must be fair soft if he was afraid of being shouted at.


It’s a menacing bunch I must say

Saw those videos yday. Craziness