The people who must be shitting themselves thread

What an awful human being. There is no place for that abuse. What’s worse is she’s doubling down. The man was clearly doing his job and a good one at that considering the state she was in

That’s not her social media account. But yea, she’s horrible.

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If you’re right then there is another sick fuck out there to do that

Social Media is a nawful place

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Unreal. A real life cracker nacker

Whatever about how nasty she showed herself up to be in that little video but if she’s fired from her job because of that rush of blood to the head it will be an absolute scandal. No way should she lose her job over it. The shame of it is enough punishment for her.

I’d agree with you but once their brand has been associated with a racist incident, can’t see any solution for the company’s best interests other than firing her. Firm dissociation from racism integral for brand Bosch. Harry loves all walks of life.

Yeah shame for someone like her will teach her alright.

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Fuck brand association. No one gives a tupenny fuck about brand association. Just buzz words for ponces Mike Hunt and delicate pussies of his ilk.

indeed, especially after they used concentration camp labour in ww2 and their founder was given a nazi state funeral


Apes like your good self will call her the victim when she is rightly sacked.

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explain why she should be sacked

It’s very unfair for racists to suffer any consequences for their actions.


I’ve seen stuff like this with black security guards in Ireland.

You should tweet that.

Responsibility | Bosch Global

It’s in their charter - social responsibility. They can’t have a bigot in their employ and maintain their charter

In our Basic Principles of Social Responsibility at Bosch our management and employee representatives acknowledge human rights, equal opportunities, fair working conditions and worldwide standards in occupational health and safety. These eleven guidelines are oriented towards core labour standards of the International Labour Organization and are also obligatory for all of our suppliers.

The chap removed from the Ryanair flight in Minsk.


Is that what you think? I think she’s exposed herself as a petulant tart. She’s certainly put herself in the fire but I don’t think destroying her career probably life measures up as a fair balance to her stupid tantrum. It’s all about proper balance. The exposure to the world internet of dweebs and permanantly offended keyboard happy softcocks is more than her fair share of punishment. More fallout to come.

So you’re one of these ones who think she should be sacked are you?

Who the fuck would want a cunt like that working for them in fairness