The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Sounds like a shoo in for a job at Manchester United.

Any details on the dark web?


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Apparently, he sent lewd texts to women who are working for Ajax. He was getting a bit of joy out of one woman, the texts got ranchier, he told her he would cum on her, when he asked where would he cum she texted back ā€˜Over my arsā€™

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I hope they are bankrupted

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Directing money to a different charity. What were they thinking

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GoFundMe said Friday that it had removed a fundraiser for the convoy that had raised more than $8 million because it violated its terms of service. The company said it had released an initial $1 million in donations to Freedom Convoy organizers last week after they provided a clear distribution plan and confirmed that they would only be used for those participating in a peaceful protest.

But after receiving evidence from law enforcement that the ā€œpreviously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation,ā€ the company said no additional funds would be distributed to its organizers and instead donors would have two weeks to submit a request for a refund, the company said. GoFundMe then would work with convoy organizers to send the remaining money to other charities.

GoFundMeā€™s decision aroused conservative ire on both sides of the border, drawing special scrutiny from several Republican attorneys general, who pledged to investigate the platform.

On Friday evening, minutes after West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) asked residents who have ā€œbeen victimized by a deceptive act or practiceā€ to report it, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted thatā€œAll GOP Attorney Generalsā€ should follow suit.

By Sunday, at least four other states ā€” Florida, Louisiana, Ohio and Texas ā€” had done just that, promising to investigate GoFundMe for allegedly deceptive practices.

The threats of an investigation continued even after the platform announcedSaturday that it would refund all contributions automatically amid the donor backlash. The company did not respond to an inquiry Sunday from The Washington Post.


Big Tech and their lackeys in MSM telling people what to do yet again


Thereā€™s a Joe Rogan podcast with a chap called Dr Robert Epstein about Google and big tech that is absolutely frightening.


Ladybird it for me pls.

Itā€™s the most important podcast ever made.

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Iā€™ve never listened to a podcast.

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Youā€™re better off. Youā€™d never turn on the internet again after this one.

I know I am.

Well put it this way I only finished it this evening and today will be my last time using the Internet.


That good?

Google owns your soul.

I stand over every single search.

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Iā€™ll be giving up the internet myself next Mondayā€¦Iā€™m hanging on for the Superbowl and then itā€™s all over. Youā€™d literally want your head tested to be on the internet.