The people who must be shitting themselves thread

I’ve heard about the Epstein one. He was over in Brussels and put the shits up the EU commission. Hence the latest crackdown and antitrust laws against it. The invisible hand and influence over elections and mind control that big tech engages in is frightening. It is little wonder why they are trying to silence Rogan now.


Anyone not using Duckduckgo web browser is reckless and should have their heads examined.

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Yup. And on Brave extension.


That’s not above being compromised either according to the good doctor.

I wish you well old pal. Maybe we’ll e-meet down the road when the Internet is safe again.


You don’t think there’s an issue with with Rogan continuously using the n word and calling African Americans “apes”?


Also, it looks like it was Alex Jones who put together the video of Rogan continuously saying the n word.

Competition stealing his fanbase probably

That particular podcast pissed off the likes of google etc the most id say.

Frightening stuff.

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If Joe Rogan is fishing in the same pool as Alex Jones for his listeners - and he is - it tells you a lot.

It’s hilarious that lads like you - and everybody else down the rabbit hole of batshit US style right wing culture warrior insanity - now claim to be worried about the influence of “big tech”, given that yis have:
i) spent years denying the influence of big tech
ii) yis are the poster boys which proves its influence.

Big tech is what has enabled the spread of far right culture war insanity. Big tech platforms, favours and amplifies the far right and their dumb worldview of hate filled slogans.

Big tech - and the foreign far right interference enabled by it - is what decided the Brexit referendum in favour of the nutcases and the 2016 US election in favour of the nutcase.

Now yis are claiming to be warning of the very thing that has yis the way yis are, without even realising yis are brainwashed by it.

If yis were worried about the influence of big tech, yis would go back and reconsider every opinion yis have. And yis would start reading what the likes of Carole Cadwalldr have written. But yis won’t. Instead yis vilify Cadwalladr as “the crazy cat lady” while Arron Banks tries to bankrupt her and silence her, an example of real cancel culture that not one of youse self proclaimed “free speech supporters” have ever mentioned or will ever mention.

Its something else. Poor Misty!

AI is already parsing our data and trying to ‘influence’ our day to day decisions… The more data it gets the better the AI.


I have never heard of Alex Jones. Anyone can stick up a heavily edited video without any context. There are also videos of Biden using the N word, Howard stern likewise. Should they be cancelled. I believe the word should never be used be it in performance art, pop culture or even by paraphrasing someone else who said it. I cringed when Eamon Ryan said it repeatedly in the DĂĄil as there is never an acceptable place to say that word. Rogan has a daughter who is black so he obviously has a greater understanding of interracial families and integration than the rest of us.


You’re deflecting and whatabouting and I also don’t believe you’ve never heard of Alex Jones - I don’t believe any person who has decided to hitch their wagon to Rogan hasn’t heard of Jones given their similarities as personalities and in terms of ideology and their target market for listeners and also because Jones has been better known for a lot longer than Rogan has.

Do you believe it is problematic when Rogan uses the n word so liberally and so regularly?

Do you believe it is problematic when Rogan calls black people “apes”, as he did?

And there’s a world of other problematic stuff.

The simple fact is the woke hate Rogan because he is anti-woke. Same for Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins and a whole host of other left leaning commentators as they have dared to argue against woke religion like 37 pronouns.

There has been no outrage from the woke about Whoopi Goldberg who said the Holocaust was not about race. Now that’s something to get outraged about, but as it causes woke confusion it must be avoided. Similar to “believe science” but also “healthy at any size”.


:rofl: you’re very triggered and paranoid tonight. A lot more than usual. If Alex Jones walked past me on the street I wouldn’t know him or how he sounded. I dont have time to be wading through reams of shite on a daily basis. Listening to a few episodes of Joe Rogan is not hitching my wagon to him. I am more interested in what others have to say. Sometimes whataboutism is needed for equity. Over 85 million people voted for and endorsed Biden. Is what he said problematic? You engage in plenty of whataboutism and build an army of strawmen yourself. If it wasn’t so patently obvious in my earlier post I’ll spell it out for you. Yes it is problematic Rogan used N word. As I said previously there is no place for it.

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It all boils down to the fact that if the left did not do double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

More whataboutism and deflection from our resident confederate.

Rogan’s fanbabies here simply cannot bring themselves to say that there is a very serious problem when a person continually uses the n word like Rogan does, and calls black people “apes”.

This is “what is racism? 101” and the people you’d expect to fail it are the exact people who are failing it.

So you’re saying it is problematic.

What about calling black people “apes”?

Yet you’re telling us this is all a conspiracy by “big tech”, or some such?

So why is it that right wing culture warriors are just fine with serial rapists representing them in politics while basically nobody on the left is, apart from the self styled “anti-woke” nutters like Jimmy Dore and his ilk, who are an example of horseshoe theory in action, and who nobody with a remotely functioning brain takes seriously?

Have you listened to all Rogan podcasts where he used the N word? He is clearly discussing the use of the word, which regardless of the hysteria around it, is still used a lot in the US especially among the young of all races.

He didn’t call black people “apes”, that’s simply a lie. His daughter is black ffs, cop the fuck on.

What’s your stance on Whoopi Goldberg saying the holocaust wasn’t about race? Why aren’t you outraged about this?