The people who must be shitting themselves thread

You’re an awful stickler for staying on the rails. Why don’t you tell us a cautionary tale about the one and only time you strayed? ( on a different thread, obviously)

You’re very triggered.

You know nothing about the sport. Kaepernick played 12 games in 2016, the year he started his protest. He was let go by Kyle Shanahan as he didn’t fit his planned scheme. He had also regressed a lot from 2012-14 mostly as defenses had figured him out, once you stop his run game his passing game was poor.

As for the reluctance of other teams to sign him after 2016, the NFL is a business. At least 50% and a lot more in more than half the country find protesting during the national anthem offensive, as it is to honor all those in uniform, not just military but cops, firefighters, etc. Offending your audience isn’t a great business decision, as the NFL found out with declining viewership in 2016/17.

I fully support his right or anyone’s right to protest, just not during the anthem.

Free speech and regulation are not mutually exclusive. You can believe in both. Likening this place to right wing culture wars is a bit of a stretch. 99% of people on here don’t take themselves that seriously. To think otherwise is hilarious. Radicalised this, brainwashed that. Maybe there is a career in psychometric evaluation lost on you if you can decipher all that from a few utterances on the Podcast thread.

Making honey and plenty of it

Joe Rogan has ruined some lads


Yeah, a business.

Which means personnel decisions are taken based on non-sporting matters.

You’ve proved my point.

You did not respect Kaepernick’s right to protest. You took the Avery Brundage 1968 line. Who is this uppity black man highlighting injustice, why doesn’t he shut up. And the whole of the NFL took the same line.


Sorry, you are the person who calls Justin Trudeau “a tyrant”. That is a demonstration of having lost touch with reality. You can call Justin Trudeau plenty of things, and most of them uncomplimentary, but a tyrant is most definitely not one of them.

More absolute bullshit. 70% of NFL players are black, why didn’t they support him and take a knee? Because the great majority respect the anthem, and many of them have family members in uniform. It is quite possible to protest and not be an asshole wearing socks with pigs on them.

Kaepernick also knows fuck all of black culture nor experienced it, he was raised by white parents in a white middle class neighborhood. I would know more about black culture than he would.

Fuck me, its worse you’re getting.

The History of Rome was good in fairness

What you have now is erstwhile harmless sorts like @Thomas_Brady and @Heyyoubehindthebushes hanging off every word from the likes of multi millionaire clickbait merchants such as Joe Rogan and Russel Brand and suddenly they have all the answers to all the worlds questions.
As EE Cumming once said himself, ‘‘Progress is a comfortable disease’’

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They don’t have the answers only the questions. Anyone who claims to have the answers is a charlatan, those who don’t ask questions are the fools

The prosecution rests your honor

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I’d fancy giving that a whirl, if you’d point me in the right direction.
Dan Carlin’s ‘Blueprint for Armageddon’ is nothing short of enthralling’. Colossal detail, breathless storytelling, wonderment and tragedy
Probably the best thing I’ve heard, in thatlineofwork. Bolelli’s Caravaggio is excellent also. @Fagan_ODowd doesn’t know what he’s missing.

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Blueprint for Armegeddon is the WW1 one? You just reminded me about it. Unreal, unbelievable.
We just don’t know how lucky we have it here really with out petty internet squabbles

History of Rome is epic as you might imagine, if a bit unsure of itself at first. But then the word podcast was alien back in the noughties not like today.

And when you want to live, how do you start? Where do you go? Who do you need to know?

Tv Show Smile GIF by Ash vs Evil Dead

Apologies. Poor form to dismiss the experience of s lad who lived through the events in question

Good point, Colin Kaepernick was definitely cancelled @Arthur

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This tony Evan Scouser football journo on twitter is having a big debate with Ewan and a few other irish anti wokes about more or less this topic.

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