The people who must be shitting themselves thread

You are denying reality here and it is in keeping with every culture war topic that has emerged since you have been on the forum, in which you have uniformly taken the reactionary, racist side. There is no arguing with somebody who has retreated into a racist fantasy world.

What’s your stance on the Whoopi Goldberg comment? Is she a racist? An antisemite?

The much trumpeted sleep interview is very interesting @Thomas_Brady. What should be my next listen?

The problem with Big tech is their undue influence on attitudes, habits, values, ethos of society as a whole today. They are largely unregulated and have unfettered access to mass populations. Is that something to be taken lightly. Should we be slightly concerned where this is all leading. What kind of partisan/bipartisan arrangements do they have with political classes. Is it conflict of interest to be donating large amounts of cash to political system. These are all reasonable questions that deserve answers and is not conspiratorial. Big tech increasingly want to supplant their ideals and values on a population. The fact they can achieve this through algorithms and suppressing/elevating search results is disconcerting to say the least.

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You’re deflecting again. Start a thread about Whoopi Goldberg if you’re so interested and tell us straight up if you want her cancelled.

You have a long record of branding anybody who remotely objects to Israel’s carry on as anti-Semitic and demanding their cancellation.

You are more than happy for Joe Rogan to use the n word all over the place and call black people “apes”.

Big tech favours those who are waging right wing culture wars. Anger sells. Hate sells. Lies sell. These are good for big technology companies’ bottom line. That is what right wing culture wars are selling.

Can’t answer the question :rofl: such a snowflake. I don’t want anyone cancelled. Whoopi made a genuine mistake and the outrage is that she has been put off her show for two weeks, after apologizing. If Joe Rogan said it you would be outraged and call him a racist and a Nazi. That’s the whole point of my rare brief interaction with you, highlighting your bullshit.

Joe has apologized for his use of the N word, and he didn’t call black people “apes”. Stop lying.

Big tech fact checkers are to be believed and trusted as our only source of information. Without doubt know more than experts who may have unfavourable political views, that may not affect their work.

The recent Robert Epstein episode is an eye-opener

The Guardian was all over her.
Also, I know I promise myself not to engage with you or Sid, but now I’ve started this comment I may as well just finish up: get a life.

Proving my point - Big tech needs regulation, monitoring and surveillance to stop inflaming extremism and polarising society.

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Is the Guardian the woke bible now?

I have a great life, thanks for asking.

What a load of deranged fookin’ shite.

Lads like you are the biggest cancellers around.

When Colin Kaepernick took a knee you were baying for his blood.

When Colin Kaepernick was cast out of the NFL, never to return, you never once objected.


More lies. If Kaepernick were good enough, he would be playing in the NFL.

This thread has skewed off the rails altogether. Lads flat to the mat in efforts to achieve “internet victories” over other faceless warriors. Mental.


The need for regulation (which I thoroughly agree with) - and which you admit is needed - yet flies in the face of your claim to be pro-free speech - proves the exact opposite of the point you think you’re making. Big tech has promoted and amplified right wing culture war insanity so that people like you and others here now have the views they do.

Now yis are pretending to be against the very thing which has radicalised yis, while refusing to deal with the reality that yis have been radicalised by the very thing yis are pretending to complain about.

The whole of the worldwide right wing has been blind to this for years. Yis said the influence of big tech was non existent for years while the left was blue in the face shouting about the effect of Cambridge Analytica, Aggregate IQ, algorithms etc. in promoting right wing hatred and giving it political success.

Effective regulation of technology would cut off the stream of far right propaganda youse lot have eaten up.

It won’t happen. It’s too profitable.

Absolute nonsense. Kaepernick took his team to a Superbowl in 2013. There are 32 teams in the NFL and they each need minimum three quarterbacks on their books. Anybody who says a top quality Superbowl quarterback in prime football playing age is not worthy of even being a back up four years later is so full of shit.

Three years ago the Superbowl contained a quarterback my mother would have done better than. And I’m only very barely exaggerating.

Kaepernick was cancelled because he took a knee, as you know full well. This is the biggest and most obvious example of actual cancel culture anywhere in the US over the last six years, and not one of the blowhards who rant about cancel culture said a word about it, because yis have no problem with cancelling people who don’t subscribe to yisser far right nonsense. Yis are so full of shit.

This ain’t about internet victories. There are genuinely fucking despicable people on this forum with genuinely abhorrent, despicable views.

Where does one go to get one of these lives you speak of? What’s it like, what would it entail?