The people who must be shitting themselves thread

No. That’s someone who identifies as black and white


:grin::grin::grin: that has to be a pisstake surely?

Made me lol anyway

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Erm… Am…:flushed:

No. Definitely not.

Thanks for quoting the offending piece. It can stay there now.


Neat con trick there where you inserted the word sex instead of gender, when gender is the word in question.

The character is a trans woman.

Here’s another article if you don’t believe me.

Transgender actor Kate O’Donnell has pulled out of high-profile musical Breakfast on Pluto after the main role of a trans woman Patrick/ Pussy Braden was given to a cisgender man, Fra Fee.

Yeah, I’d say there is a lot of bullshit. Well done on contributing to it.

And the predictable as night follows day six thickos who who liked your post.

Oh, and you haven’t answered why the play didn’t go ahead. Donmar did not sign the Trans Casting statement until May 2021. The play had been scheduled to begin its run in July 2020. Can you think of any other reason a play scheduled to run from July 2020 would not have gone ahead?

Also, the way you framed your entire argument is that Donmar are somehow sell outs, or some such, for signing that statement. Or maybe they considered the arguments and came to the conclusion that Kate O’Donnell had been right all along? Have you considered that?

That’s some line of pompousness you’ve got going there.

Sure you’ve been saying for years you have me on ignore and you still keep replying.

There is. It is mainly perpetuated by the likes of you.


Setting up fake accounts and fake Twitter pages to try and cancel somebody very definitely is cancel culture though.

And none of it done by me, but to me.

I’d say you know about as much about African American culture as Tucker Carlson or David Duke do.

Maybe he identifies as African American and you should respect that.

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I have a lot of sympathy with so called gender critical feminists’ perspective on self identification. The manner in which Kathleen Stock lost her job at Sussex was deeply worrying. But the problem is that self identification is now enshrined in UK law. Until this situation alters, which it is unlikely to do, common sense dictates giving trans issues a wide berth – especially in academe.

A further but… The slavering way in which outlets such as Spiked and other sewer pipes masquerading as media battened upon feminism’s discomfort with facets of trans life just shows up a lot of squalid opportunists and shills, those middle-aged white men with a penchant for recreational complaint because they think querulousness equals personality and suspicion equals intelligence and vulgarity equals success and Toby Young is an intellectual and Jordan Peterson is a philosopher and Laurence Fox is a geeze. As with most topics, they are entirely wrong. Those lads exist merely to make grifters rich. Which is very very funny.


When you actively promote the absurd - Catgender.

Men like the ones you’ve outlined will always be hailed in the absence of common sense.


I find it weird that you refuse to go to the source(the book) for the facts. You’re quoting the BBC article as fact. It’s not. The role in the book is a gay man. The role in the musical was a gay man. Who decided it was a a transgender character? That’ll be the transgender lobby who had the show cancelled. Who is sticking his fingers in his ears and shouting na na na not true. That’s you that is…
Imagine the cisgender lobby got up in arms about the fact that a transgender woman had been offered the role of the mother?

The show didn’t go ahead because the Donmar were threatened with a picket of transgenderlobbyists outside every single performance. Every single performance.

Wtf is @Juhniallio at here

“The cisgender lobby”

What have you become mate?


The problem with the wokesters is they have no lived experience of the people they purport to represent, the opposite in fact. They are almost exclusively white middle class who spend most of their lives getting outraged on Twitter. They hate the working class which is quite hilarious given they claim to be politically left. They are not left, they are simply utter wankers. @glasagusban would be the best example on here, although there are a few other notable contenders.

White middle class Irish people living in safe neighborhoods in a relatively crime free country have zero experience of what life is like in the hood in a US city. Their edgy life experience is filming a bunch of yobs fighting with the Guards outside the pub on a Saturday night and telling their mates they had a great night of craic.


It may well be, I don’t know, I haven’t read it. The book is not the musical.

No it isn’t.

The director of the musical, presumably?

You’ve produced no evidence that this happened.

Given that you so far produced no evidence to back up your claims, you are, clearly.

You’re free to imagine something that didn’t happen.

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What’s wrong with a white middle class person being interested for social justice for other people?

It’s a lot better than a white middle class person preaching hate and demanding social injustice for other people, like you do, isn’t it?

A mate of a mate was going to be in it with a savage role. I’m annoyed on his/her/meow behalf.


What’s this about? Is this the FBI thing??

100% he made that up.

I agree this stuff is absurd – and dangerously absurd, as quite a few academics have found out.

But how many individuals actually want to identify as a cat or as an emoji? How many in the whole of Ireland and Britain? A vanishingly small amount. Why give these issues such airtime?

Well, because the toxic right have found a way to corral the stupid and/or the personality alibi merchants and/or the underclass in a manner that does not cost money. Just spout a whole load of guff about ‘woke’ this and ‘woke’ that – and suddenly the voters of Hamelin are led away into the brave new world of ratified stupidity.

Clever, in its,way, if you are the piper.