The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Ooh this is interesting. Can I ask you to re read the article you posted and look at the name of the character in question. Can you then go into a bookshop and buy the book(or just flick through it in the shop) and tell me what sex the character is? And can you then apologise? And can you tag @Tank when you do because heā€™s young and impressionable and might just believe everything he reads.
You say itā€™s a trans woman. Itā€™s a man, a gay transvestite. And they cast an actually gay man in the role. That seems OK to me.
Itā€™s interesting because thereā€™s a lot of bullshit you can pull up on this, written by people with agendas etc.
On a personal level, I think directors should be allowed cast whoever the fuck they want as long as they bring something to the role BTW.


Andrew Lloyd Webber is fucked

Catgender is officially a thing where a person identifies as feline.

In fairness itā€™s difficult enough to keep track of the pronouns, an understandable mistake.

Ah Jesus :rofl:

Thatā€™s just absolutely ridiculous.

Look what we have here, a lad responding to me who has me on ignore.
What a fascinating place this is.

We have a psycho claiming there is no such thing as cancel culture. The same psycho who went postal last year after getting banned for a day for mocking a cancer victim, and went on a Twitter rampage for months doxxing several posters and trying to get TFK cancelled.

Perfectly normal behavior.


Iā€™ve heard of this in Ireland. Thereā€™s a school in the South East of the country where a student switched between genders a few times before settling on ā€œcatā€. All the teachers have to go along with it. That kitten is the only mammal in the school that I respect.

sounds like another rousing success for CAMHS :roll_eyes:

Follow the science became such a catchy phrase recently but who knew its application would be so selective.


When you relent to fascists thatā€™s what happens. You canā€™t dictate to people on how they should speak or use language (unless they are inciting hate language and the likes). Fucking ā€˜catgenderā€™ā€¦ Christ. When society meanders to the most fractional of minority groups society invariably falls apart. Whatā€™s next?

Anyone identifying as a cat is mentally ill. They should be getting treatment not being facilitated in this madness.


Emoji pronouns is next.

Identifying as an emoji as a culmination of their lived experiences.

Iā€™m not making that up either.

Emojiself pronouns are a form of gender neutral neopronouns. They are similar to nounself pronouns but instead of using letters they use emojis or other pictograms. They might be used for a number of reasons, such as one liking the way the emoji looks, liking the way they may sound in their head, or because one feels the emoji describe them or reflect something about their gender well.

Alternate emojiself falg.png

The alternate emojiself pronoun user flag by Unicornian.

Emojiself pronouns are meant to be text based communication only. They cannot be pronounced and are not intended to be pronounced. They may not have spoken alternatives. Most emoji pronoun users have auxiliary pronouns to be used in spoken conversation. Some emoji pronoun users will use a nounself pronoun set based on the emoji, for example, if oneā€™s uses the pronoun ā€œ:strawberry:ā€ they may use an alternate pronoun set like ā€œstra/straselfā€, "ber/berryself, or ā€œberry/berryselfā€. Other emojiself pronoun users might use pronouns like he, she, they, or other pronouns that are unrelated to the emoji in spoken conversation. Others may go by no pronouns in speech.

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When does common sense make a comeback do you think?

When we turn off social media for good.

Until then if a person identifies as a strawberry emoji then you better get with it or youā€™ll be out of step.

Now now, he knows more about anything than anyone. Heā€™s consistent.

can you all not get along? Fuck sake, do we need children like these here to show us the way forward


Have you any evidence or maybe a precedent for this?

No now, Iā€™m sure I donā€™t know as much about African American culture as a champagne socialist living in a gated community in Didsbury.

Yes. Bristol university are referring to people as cats or emojis.

You seem to have misunderstood my question.

Do you mean ā€˜pandersā€™?