The people who must be shitting themselves thread

The Two Johnnies have been utterly blaggarded. Holly Cairns is lucky sheā€™s not in a rural area or sheā€™d be losing a huge percentage of her voters between this and the Pope comment. The urban woke crew just donā€™t understand country folk.

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Holly is from the arse end of nowhere and represents a very rural constituency.

Informative. Assumed she was from Dublin City.

She went to the same primary school as the Oā€™Donovan rowing lads

Wagonā€™s circling



bit harsh on cairns, mulally and mcsharry not so much

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I definitely heard the klaxon

Iā€™m surprised it took this long

My two cents here.

These two apes arenā€™t even remotely funny. I listened to about a minute of their stuff and turned it off a few years ago.

Complete cunts in my eyes.

Now I was aware theyā€™d grown a fair bit. I was bit surprised to see 2 fm take them on all the same.

I rarely listen to the radio.

Now when I saw these events unfold on twitter I had a look.

The segment was largely harmless but totally unfunny. The lack of self awareness that they thought it was a good idea to put it out probably tells you of their intelligence.

Immediately my reaction was to feel sorry for them as the mob formed to cancel them.

I left it a day and saw a link on here where they were apologising for their actions.

Now here is where I done a 180. If they had a pair of balls between them they should have told everyone to go fuck themselves and dug in. Winding up the permanently outraged is a real endearing quality.

Their apology video really sickened me and the collection of cunts sympathising with them made it even worse.

Overall I think their totally unfunny and what the hell they were doing getting on 2fm Iā€™ve no idea.

Itā€™s interesting I think now though if you get cancelled youā€™ll actually end up with a bigger support if you ride it out for a few days and apologise.

Itā€™s happened a few times where people lose their minds and then after things settle down people feel sorry for them if they apologise.

Iā€™m fairly sure these two idiots will do well out of this fiasco.

It doesnā€™t say much about Ireland right now theyā€™ve such a large listenership.


Holly cairns wants every thing cancelled.

Sheā€™s a beef farmer or something silly like that apparently and sheā€™s constantly banging on about how cruel Grey hound racing is.

Iā€™d rather be a grey hound than one of hollys cows anyway but thatā€™s just me.


The two lads are fairly sound chaps to be fair.

Social media built them up & eventually burned them out.

Theyā€™ve done well for themselves with the podcast tbf considering one is a talented Hurley maker & the other a butcher.

Such a fuss over fuck all


How many subscribers would their podcast have? Rightly or wrongly they will lose a lot of their corporate gigs too so all the eggs will be in the Patreon basket.

You know that figure well. A man of your station & know how.

They are now coming for them, next theyā€™ll be coming for you.

I feel sorry for the lads. Not the worst out there, not my taste but they have done well for themselves. Its a sad state that its come to this. I do know people who do enjoy them and can see their appeal

30 million

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Jesus I didnā€™t realise she was from farming stock. Iā€™m starting to warm to her.

Has Tubs been sanctioned for his very distasteful ā€˜jokeā€™ about Chicken Kiev?

Yup, theyve halved the amount of ye old marching powder allowed during the toy shoe