The people who must be shitting themselves thread

delete his thread asap

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its as severe a backtrack as one can have. To have legal representatives say “false, unfounded, inaccuracies” over ten times in the one letter. I knew fuck all of this fella and said as much in the COTY final, but he looks to be entirely vindicated here. Yet, mud sticks. I can guarantee that he will have this thrown at him for ever, and there will be talks of pay offs to the accuser and all sorts to make out that it was true, despite it clearly not being true.


He was basically hung drawn and quartered on TFK because he was considered ‘woke’ and there’s no more serious allegation could be levelled at you,
Awful that he has had his life turned upside down for this

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He will be back at 2FM when the 2 Johnnies make a bollix out of it again

The older one of the 2johnnies seems like a lad with a head on his shoulders. The younger one seems like the type of chap who will make a balls of the whole operation badly IMHO.

Which is which?


They’re twins


Johnny B is the older, sounder fella who used to make the hurleys. Johnny Smacs is the fella who used to be a butcher.


This guy fucks

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The cynic in me speculates there may have been an unofficial significant settlement and NDA in return for that letter.


At least he can look back on the whole sorry affair and be greatful for all the support the RTE and showbiz family gave him.

Imagine batting for this creep, what would be wrong with you.



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I still find it hard to believe the guy is actually heterosexual. I always considered him a flambé finoke.

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There is something eminently dislikable about the cunt.


preachy wokefisher, whats to like?

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Ah no, a grown man riding a17 year old is perfectly normal…

Of course its not. But there’s a pretty big line between legal and illegal. And he didnt cross it. If you think people should get due process at all then he’s been hard done by.