The people who must be shitting themselves thread

The one about the camogie girls not being allowed stay with host families at the Feile any more for child protection reasons looks fairly mouldy with hindsight.

Nick Cohen

Ian Foster.

Ricky Martin

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Is HRH Prince Andrew is a spot of bother again

Whoā€™s he gone and done now?

Could rock it to its core!!!

Suspended by the Observer.

The Telegraph laughably trying to claim itā€™s because heā€™s so called ā€œgender criticalā€, ie. a transphobe. Christ theyā€™re desperate.

Itā€™s because of sexual harrassment allegations.

Whoever runs the Frank Hogan motors twitter. And not a botched draw for a car :joy::joy::see_no_evil:

ā€œHackedā€ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

A classic excuse. Happens to us all

What had they up there?

If it was the Gate theatre circa 1995 I seen it. He was directing from the front row

What always happens when an accountt is hacked, bit of morning glory.

No this one was in the Riverbank Theatre. About 95 i think. Heā€™d a fight with the producer and and costume designer after the dress rehearsal and more fabric was added to the costumes.

Ian Foster

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The boys in the white coatsā€¦


Iā€™d say Half-Minister Robert Troy has woken up with the Rats ā€œI donā€™t like Mondaysā€ whizzing around in his head. Heā€™d be better advised to listen to the TFK adage explaining = losing.

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Has troygate been discussed anywhere on TFK?