The people who must be shitting themselves thread

No chance, a Shinner who lost her seat in the local election in 2019 topped the poll in 2020, she’s a non entity and practically invisible but will not only top the poll next time around but bring in a similar unheard of non entity from Longford

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Are there a lot of working class people on Longford/Westmeath?

A huge loss for Ireland. He was a class act


Jaysus that’s not like you…

There’s a lot of young people looking to move out of mammys

I can only speak for Mullingar and Athlone to a lesser extent Willie Penrose hoovered this vote for 20 years even when the tide was going out for Labour when the vote finally collapsed it moved en masse to SF, even Mary O Rourke used to get some of the working class vote in Athlone that’s gone to SF now also, Troy’s base was mainly rural north of Mullingar that’s going to be under pressure from Burke FG on the middle class side and the oul republican FF vote now vulnerable to SF

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He should be forced to

Not a fucking hope of it happening. Sf would hoover up the by election and ff/fg need the next two years to try and make some inroads into the sf juggernaut. He’ll be shuffled to the back benches and told to tow the line until the next election

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It’s a representative democracy.


That’s the thing that amuses me.

All of the politicians in the DĂĄil (bar the Ceann Comhaie) are elected by the people.

They truly are of the people and a fair reflection of the bent society that we make up.

But we’re only humans after all.

Fair play to young Bob. Doing his best to make his way in the world.

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Yerrah if you split it demographicly by age ffg are relying on the over 45s. Suits them as im alroght jacks and most OAPs will vote for whonthey alway have

Social Justice 1
Scumbag Landlords 0

I watched the news the other night and it had clips of Martin and Varadkar speaking at the Mick Collins commemoration in Cark. I thought to myself…Jesus I’m sick shit of looking at and listening to these two absolute cunts. Would they ever get the fuck off the political stage? If a fair-minded, neutral, even-tempered individual (that’s me by the way) is thinking along those lines, can you imagine what people more on the margins are thinking?

The next general election will be an absolute procession for Sinn Féin. I know they’ll face the usual ire from columnists and so on about current policy and IRA atrocities but, rightly or wrongly, the majority of people won’t let that deter them from voting for them.

In the midst of all this Robert Troy stuff, and with the sheer state of the Irish housing and rental market, the Irish Times kinda tried to move the dial today with a big Michael McDowell column criticising Sinn Fein housing policy. I think a lot of people don’t even engage with that kind of thing any more. They’re screaming into the void.


I wonder will any of the big MNCs voice their concerns if it looks like SF will walk the next election

Roberto will be hard pressed to hold his seat next time out. The 2 FG candidates have a great chance of taking two seats with Carrigy from Longford currently in the Seanad. There’s one SF seat and possibly a FF seat that Flaherty, in the light of current events will possibly retain. This is predicated on Boxer Moran not contesting.

The former deputy from that constituency, the late Albert Reynolds summed it up nicely

" It’s the little things that catch you out ". Prophetic…Slán Riobaird.


I dont think it will be a procession at all.

Id be surprised if Sinn Fein even hold onto their one seat out of 5 in Tipperary.

Ah they will easily I’d say. Their biggest issue in Tipp is that they’re stuck with big Martin now for the forseeable but they’ll get the county wide party vote rather than any massive local vote

My father always maintains that Sinn Fein would be a disaster for the farming community. They’d tax us to the hilt.


Lowry, McGrath and Kelly are proper political heavyweights and will scoot in as will Jackie Cahill.

Big Martin will suffer from the Cashel transfer saga. Sinn Fein could run two and get none.