The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Dont worry by the time the greens are finished with ye there will be nothing to tax.

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Will Lowry definitely go again? He’s nearly 70 according to google. Tipp is a county that votes on individuals a lot but I still think there will be enough support for SF to easily get one seat.

You try buying a house at 20


SF will probably make gains from the social democrats/pbp or whatever they call themsselves these days. I think Paul Murphy will lose his seat, Gary Gannon as well. Labour will be wiped out too. I’m not sure if my recollection is 100% here but I think the Greens did well off SF transfers last time out so maybe SF might target that. Delicate balance knowing what constituencies to run 2 in.

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Very delicate indeed.

Lowry wlll definitely go again. His popularity is through the roof these days with the Country Music festival amongst other things. He has the real old school Nid/West Tipp GAA vote sewn up.

Mattie has the devout Roman Catholics in his pocket of which there are a fair few in Tipp.

Kelly has the Portroe mafia and the North Tipp Gaa vote.

Cahill has the hardcore Fianna Fail/ Farming vote. He also has the Thurles Sars lads in his corner.

If Fine Gael ran a half decent candidate they’d have a chance of ousting Browne

The biggest issue facing sf is their vote management. They didn’t run enough candidates last time out and this time round if they over compensate, they’ll split it too much

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SF will win a record majority next election. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn’t paying attention

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Ate you saying that sf will win an overall majority? Cos that will never happen

Do you mean as in over 80 seats or whatever the magic figure is?

Yes. The Ferrerro Rochet set won’t know what hit them

Not a fucking hope.

Will they even have 80 candidates?

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Lowry will run again as it might cost Kelly his seat. If he doesn’t Kelly will get in handy

They already set a record in Stormont this year and anyone with their ear to the ground will tell you its about to happen down here too


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Kelly will get in. If there was an election in morning, all five incumbents would stay in.

They have 36tds. An optimistic review of the last election would suggest that had they got their vote management right, at a push they might have gained an extra ten. I I reckon at absolute best assuming all goes well for them , they might hit 50.

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Agreed. I don’t think Jackie Cahill is well liked within FF or the farming community. He might get in but it would be a battle

At best they"ll hit 50 seats down here next election

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