The people who must be shitting themselves thread

So heā€™s got out ahead of the story. Must be fairly bad whatever heā€™s been accused of

I stand with Russell. Who hasnā€™t a body buried somewhere.

So it seems that these right wing ā€œjust asking questionsā€ types like Brand do something heinous in the past, become a poster boy for the alt-right and then when the allegations eventually emerge can cry ā€œfake newsā€ to their acolytes who then rush to their defence.

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Then @Tierneevin1979 shouts ā€œbut theyā€™re left wing!ā€

YouTube subscribers

Channel 4 - 359,000
Russell Brand - 6,590,000

Traditional MSM lately going after those that roast them in the free market

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Hit jobs. MSM know their gig is up

Good demonstration right here of two different ways society is fucked.

Harvey Weinstein really missed a trick not launching a far right podcast, heā€™d be a hero to the likes of this fella.

You havent even heard the allegations yet mate

@maroonandwhite @EmilioButragueno at least have the gumption to hear what they are first before declaring them lies


This is why i despair for the awkward squad, members going rogue and a lack of a coordinated response from them. Saying something isnt true before its in the public domain isnt a good look

Alternatively, @Tierneevin1979 has sent @Heyyoubehindthebushes out as a hapless patsy in hope he will suck the energy out of everyone before the allegations are public


You ok hun?

@glenshane at least knows what he is, he stayed silent for several days after Russia invaded Ukraine and after Prigozhin was bumped off while he waited for the Kremlin to come up with a propaganda line.


Iā€™d imagine by the amount of times heā€™s used the word ā€œconsensualā€ in that that heā€™s about to be accused of rape or sexual assault

All that training out in the airport is paying off. Very intuitive

I didnā€™t bluff my way through 3 interviews without picking up a few bits along the way

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Brand could always do a podcast with Neil Prendeville called ā€œA Pair of Wankersā€.

I expect savage double standards to be on display with any allegations particularly those who defended a former US president who had an affair while in office when it was compared to todays standards

I would definitely wait to see what the allegations are, if it is a historical consensual marital affair with a much younger woman then Brand has my backing 100%

I always thought he was a funny cunt,

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