The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

Great book called Bounce out a few years back. Syed was the authors surname IIRC. He came from a small town England where all the table tennis champions came from. It was all do with a the human resources and infrastructure in same place. I believe squash is similar in Ireland with a huge proportion of international players coming out of Howth/Sutton.

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Matthew sayed one of most famous/infamous names about. Proponent of the 10000 hours of practise theory

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A proper table tennis table costs about €500 mate and you also need the space to play it in

you thick cunt.

they’re portable and cheap and you can play it anywhere.

Calm the goolies

Strange time to resort to an insult. A table tennis table is 9 foot long and 5 foot wide. Would it fit in a room in your house with also all the space needed around it for the person playing to move?

yer man was talking about not being an olympian because of the infrastructure. I’d say you need 20 x 10 to play it

has this turned in to mumsnet? He was being a thick cunt

Yes, you haven’t disproven that point in any way

Ah there isn’t many fellas would have spare space in their house for a full size table tennis set up… Twud be like playing pool in the local… I’d tuck you into a regular corner where I’d know you don’t have full rotation :grin:

Leave my pal alone mate.

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who’s talking about table tennis at home? you thick cunt

can you only be an Olympian if you’re able to play the sport at home?

there’s a good raft of clubs around the place, if you were so inclined

Eh the lad you are arguing with

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are you on heavy meds or something?


There’s 57 clubs on the whole island according to that mate, none in the whole south east or Limerick or Clare

it’s a niche sport. the infrastructure is there if you want to be an Olympian

If you happen to live in very specific places on the island. It’s the same anywhere in fairness bar maybe China but I do think more sports should be pushed over here

A couple of bats and a ball? You loon. You need an oul one with a bucket of balls and she firing them at You non stop from the age of 2.
Lads expecting to compete internationally off the back of a few games of winner stays on in the local youth club.