The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

No classes in Flyefit till next monday - I’d say it’ll weed out all the once a year merchants

I was sick during the summer and lost most of my strength but thankfully my deadlift is back to where it was and my bench is close. Going to make an effort to do a little bit more high volume stuff for the next few months and do more cardio (all I really do is walking and hiking). Aim is to get the weight down a little. Ideally close to 100kg (I’m approx 110 now, at around 6’2)

I’m a serious advocate of lifting weights. I’d struggle to think of an activity that’s benefitted me more, both mentally and physically, over the past few years.


Apart from the heavy weighted chins :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: it’s as light as you want or as heavy as you want so some strength work and some muscular endurance work and movement stuff like Turkish get ups :sunglasses:

I’d say mobility stuff is what nobody does as you don’t get the “pump” or endorphins but it’s probably what we all need to do more of

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No mate… Once you go over 35 your testosterone goes down down down… A man’s body is 25% muscle mass …when he’s not using that muscle and his testosterone is lessening queue fat and all kinds of other health problems appearing. You can keep your test levels up by simply working your muscles with some resistance training… Body weight, bands , light weights - whatever. Aerobic exercises while good for you don’t have the same affect…

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Oh and I’m gonna pull 200kgs off the floor in the next month


Makes sense , I barely go near the missus anymore …


Get some dumbbells and you’ll be humping the leg off her in no time


And do some cock pushups


Yes mate. Swimming regularly works nearly all your muscles and improves flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Choco is loco.
Weights are good too.

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Swimming is in no way comparable to resistance training. Completely different to what I’m getting at.

Which is not what he asked. Its what you wanted to talk about. Swimming is brilliant for keeping muscle. It will also work more muscles than the dumbells.

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By the way. Swimming is resistance training. Is it easier to move your arm through water or air?

No mate. He asked about weight training and why … He asked would swimming achieve the same. I haven’t attacked swimming or advised not to swim. It’s a great form of exercise. He asked would you achieve the same results through swimming that you would resistance training and the answer is no.

I’m very sorry if you felt that swimming was slighted here. That was never our aim.

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Arm muscle is miniscule, bro. Glutes/back/leg area is the real test booster :muscle:

Here’s what he asked @Doubting_Thomas_Brady. And the answer is yes. Swimming would do a lot for keeping muscles. And improve cardio.

See above. Fuck off you cunt.

Win the father’s day 80m dash at the local community games in May.

A couple of young cocky blow ins will fancy their chances but once I start to open up my legs and express myself around the 30m mark, I’ll throw a little sideways glance before hitting the burners.

*achilles tendinitis issue to sort out first.


You need swimming lessons mate. You’re doing it wrong. If only we’d a qualified swim teacher on the board…

Are you mate? Didn’t realize that… Again… Swimming is great but it can’t replicate the benefits of a squat or pull up etc… Dumbbells are shite enough.

10 meters to go give it a bit of Eamon Coughlan
Show them whose boss