The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

That is magnificent

Ah jaysus… :sob:

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Time to hit the bar

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Any goals for 2022?

I want to be able to plank for 4 minutes solid before Paddy’s day. Was at 3”10 before Christmas

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Is that good?
I can go over 4 minutes and i don’t do any training except for running now. I’ll be shaking like billyo before two minutes but I can hang on

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Want to try and do reformer Pilates consistently for 6 months with some weight training alongside it. Help me move better, better mobility which should then translate to better form on weights.

If you can plank for 3 minutes throw a ten kg plate on your back for a 90 second plank

Also try a RKC plank

Starting from the standard plank position, clench your hands together in front of you and pull your shoulders in – a kind of reverse shrug. Then tense your quads to force your knees up and really clench your glutes as hard as possible. To spread the tension further, squeeze your shoulders towards your toes and toes towards your head as if you’re trying to raise your midriff into the pike position. This increases the stabilising force required from your glutes to maintain the plank position. Even if you’re an experienced planker, your muscles will start to shake pretty quickly.

Did you ever try the climbing walls? I’d say it’d really suit the gym monkeys, all legs and arms

If you are keeping good technique then 4 minutes would be very good. It is all relative I suppose depending on your build, weight and core strength.

2 minutes would be average enough from what I see in gyms and from teams I’ve played on.

Yeah have done them before. Really enjoyable. Must go again soon. You get nervy on some of the tougher parts that you can’t figure out and eventually fall from

Ya, it’s hard to train yourself into the certainty that you can’t actually fall to your death, my biggest problem was actually my fingers, soft from a lack of manual labour, you need very strong fingers, I also regretted my 8k run this morning, you’d want to be on top of your game, brilliant fun though

They don’t really. The gym monkeys are heavy fuckers and often not so agile. You want a thin wiry type doing a load of yoga for climbing.
Having said that I’m deadly at them and I’m a fat bastard.

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I’d never get time for reformer + gym… I’m going back to the gym this month and getting back fit, it’s my new year’s resolution… I’ve done nothing of note for two years bar a game of 11 v 11 once a week… My mobility is fucked tho. As stated many times my lower back aint great, my lower spine doesn’t rotate fully as it should . You ordinarily wouldn’t notice it but playing just ball the last 18 months it’s gotten very bad … Queue the obvious gags… But I can’t kick the ball when it involves a long pass or a bit of power… I can’t wrap my foot around the ball at all, it’s like I’ve a club foot… Where I used to turn like a tractor I now turn like a turtle.

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What’s the idea of weight training , are you looking to Beef up?

What? The health benefits of weight training are off the scale… It’s by far the best thing a man can do for his health. Especially over 40s… It’s not all heavy lifting and protein shakes brah.


If you ever do a bar hang (hang from a bar as long as you can) you think your arms will go first but your fingers do

And when you finally let go it takes a good minute to get the full range of motion back in your fingers

At my age it’s more about slowing the inevitable decline rather than beefing up

I enjoy it enough to go consistently. Gym I go to is just small classes so it’s all structured.

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So it’s light enough stuff ? I just find once I touch weights i turn into a bear …would the likes of swimming not do a lot for keeping muscles at our age ?

I find body weight exercises just as beneficial now. The thoughts of getting into a squat rack would give me nightmares now and I lived for it once.

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This is not how is works

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