The Pretend Fitness Thread

A lot of the stretches that are incorporated into team’s warm ups would be very similar to yoga moves

I was always of the idea yoga was just glorified stretches that was a bit of a ‘fad’ with the women.

I’d be a bit sceptical aswell but there are people out there making a nice living out of teaching people how to stretch

You are badly misinformed there Fran. Very very few would be the same. Yoga is a serious workout once you get through the first level or two, you wouldn’t be warming up with any of it anyway. It would be something like doing a weights session prior to playing a game.

Not at all, was originally seen in the western world as a female activity. But once the benifits were realised by sports people that all changed. I was in a class with a Cork footballer and over a year you could see an amazing difference in him. The following year was possibly his best ever then for Cork.

I suppose there is gangsters out there bluffing it, but i haven’t come across them. And there isn’t that much money in it either. If you do it as a side number you’ll do ok, but its extremely hard to make a buck full time

Just comparing some of the stretches that we would do with what herself does in her yoga class. There’s no doubt that yoga is much more intensive though

There are a few different types of yoga as well (as Roy famously said). Some may seem the same alright, but the pace of the yoga moves wouldn’t replicate what you’d do on a pitch.

I believe it works anyway, but in a way you are right, if a man was to do a series of mobility and stretching exercises every day he’d probably be as well off flexibility wise as someone who does yoga once or twice a week.

I did one in the states, Astanga i think it was, and i’d fall asleep at the end everytime, it was seriously draining. Alot of people would fall asleep. It was weird at the start.

A friend of mine did went to Bikram (spelling??) a couple of times and said he was absolutely fucked. Had to leave early the first time

Any of ye do spinning classes? I did it for a while a few years back but found it incredibly boring. Not a bad workout though.

Good for conditioning, never found it that boring, but the instructor was a basket case so he was entertaining. Taught it myself years back when it first arrived on the scene, a cunt of a thing to prepare for, getting speeds of music right and all this crack. Hated it.


It could have been the fact that I always used the same bike and it was facing a bare block wall and the music was shit. It was a woman instructor when I did and my god was she smoking hot! She had a set of calves on her though like two logs.

Music is vital.

Tell us more about when you taught spinning classes Kev… What kind of music did you play…


no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there’s no limit…

You played no music? No wonder you’re not still teaching it…



After a run I normally try and get a couple of litres of water into me, normally with a bit of cordial in it to jazz it up a little…Is there any way to drink this amount of water(normally over 90-120 minute period) without having to spend the rest of the evening without needing to take a piss every 20 minutes for the rest of the night

A piss bottle beside the bed is what you want, Puke. I usually go out at 10, get into bed around 11:30 and wake up around 3 dying for a piddle. Get it into the bottle and go back to sleep.

Unfortunately drinking large amounts of water and pissing goes hand in hand, you will have to put up with it.

Is anyone here familiar with using the rowing machines you’d find in some gyms and if so are they beneficial?