The Pretend Fitness Thread

I know better than to engage with you on this so yes, you’re right Kev, whatever you think

You better let Eddie Izzard know, mate.

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When did people start to exercise?
As a choice as opposed to just having a generally active lifestyle.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say there and how it relates to the post and the article.

Millennia ago. The Greeks were mad into fitness and well toned bodies.

1930s and then once war was over 1950s

The Tailteann games circa 450bc

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Live high, train low is the general rule of thumb with altitude iirc Kev.
I wonder if I might ask a question. After a day of a hard training session, if you get that muscle soreness all over, should you cease any further exercise til it’s settled down a bit? I presume it’s due to lots of micro tears, which need to reform.

Would you ever soak in Epsom salts flatty?

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Done it a few times, isn’t it the basis of salt baths in antiquity (West Clare today)?

Ffs.keep that a secret.the GGAs fascist games in the 30’s were based on them

Can’t say I have.

From what kind of exercise?

I use walks. 30 - 90 mins. The hillier the shorter i would suggest. But climbing a bit is good, stretches oht the mechanics.

I also use Cardiac Output sessions. A session of keeping heart rate in a nice low 115-145 bpm range. Gym is the best for this. A bit of everything and planty movement. Nothing should get lactate, you should always be able to talk easily. 30 - 60 mins is loads. I usually go with 2 circuits of 15-30 mins each.

Bike x 3-5mins
Raised push ups
Turkish get ups left
Med ball rotations right
Hill walking on treadmill
Assisted squats (trx or something)

Skipping x60-90secs
Trx pulls
Med ball rotations left
Turkish get ups right
Spidermans (or bear crawls)
Boxing bag/shadow boxing

Any really. Weights. Sometimes football or bikes.

Supplements can help also… A branched chain amino acids (bcaa) drink before/during exercise helps, as does creatine and protein. But caffeine before training actually has a great affect in reducing DOMs - I have a bcaa caffeine drink before most sessions and it works wonders, nocco is the drink.

A proper warm up and cool down also help… I see lots of guys just walk into a gym and get stuck into a session with no warm up. If it’s weights I’d do a body weight warm up of the exercises I plan to do with weights… Stretching has little or no effect in combating after training stiffness.

I do lots of warm.up. At my age I have to.

Try a bcaa + caffeine drink… Loads on the market. Or pick up the powders and make one yourself.

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