The Public Transport Thread

see bold

That still doesn’t explain why you posted a 21 year old article that is now moot?


but it does.

If you insist

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i do


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A lot of that inflation. Luckily the Luas smashed passenger targets and needs no state subvention anyway.

Frank McDonald is an oddball. Supposedly pro environment but pissing and moaning about Luas and Metrolink.

Having a steady stream of projects makes things cheaper.

We tend to go for big bang projects in the UK and Ireland rather than incremental improvements. Electricficafion for example should be easy enough to get going with full time teams responsible.

That’s what our experience with both roads and the Luas was. As we built more, we got better at it.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy build it ta fuck. There are plenty of things irish governments easte money on. Rail links like this are not them.


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DART, LUAS have both been massive successes despite the warnings from economists

all big transport projects have been successful


Sorry for another inane query mate (cc @Big_Dan_Campbell) but given that the North/South rail line through the city is already at capacity and has regular operational issues, and has little room for expansion, how is it expected to handle extra capacity coming from the new Dart West?

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The “just use buses” types seem to miss the fact that they are operationally inefficient at the scale we use them. Getting drivers is a huge issue and we need to reduce the number of them performing mass transit functions in Dublin on the N11 and the likes.

Dublin has multiples of the number of bus drivers that Amsterdam has, for example.

When the Luas Green Line was built for example, within months some bus routes were discontinued and some were drastically reduced. This freed capacity up for elsewhere.

Once you get rail transit up and running, it pays for itself. It only fails when it is political strokes (western rail corridor) in low density areas or where it gets a bad reputation due to crime etc (LA).

When you look at Metrolink, the driverless trains and simple stops will make it highly efficiency in operational terms and free up a lot of bus drivers for Dublin Bus etc. It isn’t just about the initial headline infrastructure cost, the payback has to he measured across the capital and operations and be over a 100 year horizon.

You mean the existing DART?

Most DART SW and W will go to the new underground Spencer Dock once constructed. They are separate existing lines that run close to the Royal Canal.

The new Spencer Dock station moves the existing Docklands station further into where people want to get to in the North Docks. Also the new bridges proposed will improve accessibility to the South Docks (rather than needing to go to Grand Canal Dock as is).

They are also doing Connolly improvements. One other thing they are doing is dividing the existing DART in two so you will have to switch trains in Tara or Connolly.

I think it is fair to say that DART Coastal North are not getting the same levels of improvements as the other projects but still decent.

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On the Luas. Cunts on calls on speakerphones make it hard for a lad to do the right thing

I might bring a juke box next time

Poor Joe being absolutely shafted here.

What’s he going to do for grub?

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He’d a fine feed earlier at the Races.


Can you have a word with your mates to downplay the negativity on this project pal?