The Public Transport Thread

Public transport seethe is one of life’s guilty pleasures.

Watching somebody else’s seethe descend into micro aggressions and you standing there, all superior, rolling your eyes choosing not to remember the time you sighed heavily in an airport security queue when some jackass waited to last moment to de metal himself.

Metrolink to the airport announced today. Should be in place for the championship of 2041 after all the objections are heard.

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Stick it down the middle of M50 and have it cut in at the red cow and join up with the luas ta fcuk …job is oxo


A lot of people are trying to put the commute into their working day (1+6+1=8) and getting away with it. Grand if you can get away with it.

Where are the floating cars? Surely that far in the future the visuals should have that?

The mythical train line will have trains every 3 minutes.

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Mass air travel as we know it will have ceased to exist by 2030.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy “We need to cancel air travel to save the environmenr”

Also @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy “We need to build multi billion euro public transport links to the airport to make it easier for people to fly”


Its going to swords mate

:blush::blush::blush:ohhhhh this place :muscle:

He put you to the sword mate. Skewered you like a shrimp on a barbie, he did.

That was 2011. Here we are 11 years later, €250m spent on feasability for the metro, not a shovel turned, and the price gone up 4 fold

i think we were broke in 2011

Now we have money and this is the furthest along its ever been

Eamon is delivering on Public Transport

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I’m all for Eamonn spending all our tax money on public infastructure projects that will end in massive cost over runs and only benefit people living in Dublin, but could this €10bn* be better spent on other projects?


what other transport projects would be better?

Swords is massive & is growing at a huge rate so lots will benefit from this.

Also, there is a return

Train link to the Dart line for a fraction of the price and build 5 more Luas lines instead, maybe even one in Cork, Galway and Limerick

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Train link from.swords to the airport to clongriffin to tracks that are already full?

What do you need a LUAS line in Limerick for? You’d walk from one end of it to the other in half an hour.


You’ll be able to get the train to Heuston, LUAS to city centre and metro to the airport. Never have to bring a car to Dublin again.

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