The Public Transport Thread

Darragh O’Sé could be the man to ‘drive’ this incentive.


great news indeed

The red line is free.

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But no line for black people unfortunately…

ABP expected to give their decision on Metrolink this Monday @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.

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No way, i was basking in the glow of the public meetings for Dart north today

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A lot of negativity in sutton and howth about Dart north

Changing trains is a slight inconvenience

Fixed mindsets.

I’m against it. It will push people back into their cars. That’s a bad thing.

It shouldn’t have if it’s implemented correctly because it’s increasing frequency. But people are inherently lazy so you’re probably right

Would hope they’ll come up with a way to get cyclists and pedestrians through the level crossings because they’re going to be shut half the time.

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Hopefully cars will be banned in the city centre by then.

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The level crossing situation at the Elphin will be ridiculous. Sutton level crossing won’t be too bad.

Peninsulans will arrive on the shuttle to Howth Junction in the morning and will be trying to get on packed trains from Drogheda. That’s what will push them back into cars.

There’s also the safety issue at Howth Junction. I’d have zero confidence in the ability of Irish Rail to adequately address this.

You would howth junction as a station improves.

Hopefully its just a fear of change and that it works out well

I hope it works out too. Travelling into town on the train suits me. Though the bus will be a good option again when the Fairview situation improves.

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Think they’re starting a lot of trains at Malahide and Clongriffin though?

But they’ll need to seriously improve Howth Junction and Clongriffin. Seems to be part of the plans but unless they are staffed it won’t make a difference what they build.

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Cycled through fairview this week. Seems to be done up to the top of Annerly bridge. Quite impressed. They would want to speed up though

I thought they announced they’re rebuilding hpwth station as part of these plans.

Yes, think you are right actually