The Public Transport Thread

Farranfore says hello.

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Just the 20 minute walk down a main road with one narrow footpath

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You’d want to be walking fair slow for that to take 20 minutes. About 12 I’d say.

Lets do it.
But can we finish off O’Connell Street in Limerick first before they put in the Metro.

take it up with your councilors mate & not the dept of transport

I may have seen you. Did you try explaining that the cans were for when you got home? :smile:

At the same time a security woman accosted me around the waist area but luckily my hipflask was in my inside jacket pocket.

Would Brian not be my go-to-man here seeing as I live in Limerick?

streetscapes for towns & villages would be the Council

They’ll have to rip up O’Connell St again to install the Luas

They wouldnt take that the cunts. I would take public transport way more often between citys if you can have a few quite ones

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Leo playing to his base here

the reality is that the days of new roads are numbered

The review says that investment could boost the total number of passengers travelling by train from 3 to 6 per cent, and freight transported by rail would increase by 1 to 10 per cent.

Dismal figures for that scale of investment

lots of gaps in Leos figures tbh

if 6% travel by train, that doesnt mean 94% drive

Those are the figures from Eamon’s report. Even in what’s a largely aspirational plan they are uninspiring numbers.

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Presumably the other 94% will have been corralled into 15 minute cities from which they won’t be allowed leave.


It’ll be a lovely glossy brochure.

Fucked like the M20 though.

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I’m sure Eamonn is comfortable with another few people dying in Charleville while we wait 20 years for his choo-Choo plans to come to fruition.

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im sure Eamon supports any attempts by the Council to implement traffic calming, addtional traffic lights, speed bumps, zebra crossings and narrowed roads in Charleville

There are 2 traffic lights and 1 pedestrian crossings on that stretch of road. None for traffic managment for the 4 crossroads but for pedestrian crossings. Speed bumps wont work as you barely get above a crawl. The issue isnt speed, its the volume of traffic added to the disaster of on street parking with the use of crossroads. As a driver there is a lot to watch out for. Whereas one of the recent fatalities was the pedestrian crossing, a problem i encounter is pedestrians just crossing the road wherever they want.

Long term solution is a by pass. You’ll disagree with that im sure. Short term remove all on street parking and no roght turning at crossroads along the main street. Replace with parklets for local restaurants/cafes or active travel lanes