The Public Transport Thread

She’s a beaut…


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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - when was it that you began your advocacy campaign again?


We need to punish cagers

Can we see what public transport projects were in progress in 2016 and what was due to be started before 2024 and what, if anything, has been delivered?

Got on the Dart at Clongriffin this morning. My word it’s a bleak spot.


Bleak is the perfect word for it.

Weird that the train stations built 150 years ago are so much better than ones built 20 years ago


Clongriffin was obviously thrun up by Gerry Gannon to comply with a planning condition.

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Metrolink was announced in 2019. Delayed by c. 2 years due to COVID lockdowns thus the business case approval was in 2022, not 2020 as planned. Elements of the infrastructure have already started.

DART+ was announced in 2020. Planning well advanced for two with elements of the infrastructure either built or underway in advance of the planning lift.

Bus Connects was proposed in 2017. It is in the middle of its implementation with the service changing near monthly now with new routes and infrastructure progressing.

More generally, there’s improvements all the time in services.

Where has this moaning come from? Ryan is delivering and people should get behind him rather than trying to protect their horse stables.

Far cheaper to build though. Private Eye ran the costs of new U.K. stations vs. Pelletstown. Either Irish Rail do a good job of it or the U.K. procurement process is seriously corrupt…

So a existing few bus routes redirected - thanks

a few posts up mate, improvements to the cork service
70 new rural bus routes

big projects all going to planning/order for rolling stock in

Nope. Bus Connects is transformative. Infrastructural elements have already been built for it and others are progressing too.

Amazing amount of progress yet people talk it down.

They seem to forget the sheer amount of motorways constructed in the country over a 20 year period.

Unfortunately outside of the LUAS (nothing to be sniffed at in itself), little in PT was progressed but that’s what the public wanted at the time.

The same ones moaning about DART+ will he enjoying their property values going up in the next half decade.

You’d see some lovely train stations in the UK built 150 years ago. Always enjoyable to see them. I suppose the train was the economic driver then.

yep, a couple of estates in swords up in arms about a metro stop being near them - bizarre really

@Spidey - January


‘Will start’ the most commonly used phrase in Irish Rail press releases