The Public Transport Thread

A piece of KEY TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE for the nation

The lady in the link above objecting to the Charlemont terminus describing herself as an ordinary mother, with 4 ordinary children living in an ordinary house in Dartmouth Square took some beating. The construction works would be taking place near her house seemed to be the point of the objection. The Southside in particular is going to seize itself up and become unlivable in because of congestion because of the scale of objections to any infrastructure project large or small.


Would there be any benefit to a hotel in being near an underground stop from the airport I wonder.

Fucking apes


Families in north Dublin say two green areas where Republic of Ireland footballer Matt Doherty played in Swords are being sacrificed to make way for the MetroLink.

“This is where he started off,” Barry Arthur, a resident of Estuary Court, said in a submission to An Bord Pleanála, referencing the greens on an image displayed for inspectors.

“He [Matt Doherty] has been a true inspiration for these lads [local children] here. He also used to play on this green.”

Mr Doherty, a Premier League footballer, has captained the Irish football team and is currently with English club Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Ridiculous carry on! There should be a statue erected in his honour.

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surely for a family in swords, having the metro nearby will be a god thing

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I remember the Luas being built and harcourt street was a bit of a disaster zone. There’s lots of bidniziz on it now and a huge development where Garda Station used to be.

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That’s the referendum we needed.

If I’d the metro link doesn’t go ahead those parks should still be destroyed


Tisnt all bad lads, just a little late.

Ye are painting those residents in a very bad light. Reading what was actually said they are just asking why they have to take both parks out of use instead of just one? The replies they got back are very wishy washy.

The oral hearings into the MetroLink project were told that under Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) plans, a north and south green, used by children living in Estuary Court, Seatown Villas and the Ashley Estate are being taken over by TII for “speed and convenience” to build the MetroLink for a period of up to six years.

Mr Arthur, a father of three young boys, told inspectors that Estuary Estate residents are in favour of the MetroLink and the benefits it will bring to the area.

Green areas ‘vital, safe and secure’

However, he said the estate has lots of young couples who are raising families and said the green spaces are vital, safe and secure areas that contribute to their children’s development.

“Lots of other kids have come through here and played on the green,” he said.

Mr Arthur said some children who used the greens for practice over the years have gone on to play for local clubs Fingallians GAA club, Swords Celtic and Swords Manor.

“Some of the kids have gone on to play for Shelbourne, Drogheda United, and there’s young Gemma Connolly who is on the minor camogie team,” he said.

Barry Arthurs, who is a quantity surveyor, asked TII officials to explain why they needed to “occupy both our greens?”

James Maloney, Construction Adviser for TII, said both greens were needed “to finish the works as fast as we can”.

Mr Maloney said the north green was needed to access the south green, where staff offices would be located, as well as an area where staff can sit and have lunch as well as housing toilet facilities for staff.

He said any other location would not be convenient to the works and ultimately meant the MetroLink would be built “in the shortest time possible”.

How I imagine said lady and her husband in Charlemont Square will greet the first lad in a high viz jacket that turns up…

Metrolink will not support proposed 15-storey tower block in Ballymun, hearing told

All going so well for TII, lidl did they know

That’s a bit cheeky from Lidl, they haven’t even applied for planning yet.

Course they haven’t. Hopefully State agencies take note of their behaviour here.

Obvious solution here.


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Save our Malahide Road Bus Stops

Looking to preserve their parking more like