The Public Transport Thread

I was going to give bilbao as an example but you’re right its ireland, it will probably bankrupt us woth the likes of Johnny Ronan laughing at us with the money he’ll pocket

I’d say parts of it will end up getting released for residential.

Plenty of brownfield and greenfield sites to develop within the M50 for the moment anyway.

brandenburg airport got a rebrandt


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Take away our direct train service to Dublin and look what it provokes (I’m assuming it’s a weekend April Fools but apparently it’s not)

Arrived here for a 6 to Howth Summit. Never arrived. Just disappeared off of the board. Please ask Eamonn Ryan what’s going on here @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

There are various sections of the Luas which should go underground imo.

Only small areas where we can do a quick cut and cover mind you.

I’d go College Green myself seeing as they are installing a Plaza.

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I agree with you. Maybe by 2124 they might get thwt idea over the line

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy given you were ahead of the curve with the now ubiquitous Jump Boots, I assume you already have a pair of Moonwalkers? How are you finding them?

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they look amazing & very reasonable



You’d need some whore of a battery for that one?

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i think they will have a battery charger in Drogheda & Greystone’s & then further electrify the line

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There’s positives and negatives there.


The success of the line will depend on how much they charge

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